Request N 8. Little red riding hood trap (TechnoHalo VS DreamHalo)

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Request for Genderfluid000

BBH Pov.

"Okay, my dear. Did you take everything you need for a friend?" - said my mother, straightening my red coat.
"Besides a basket of muffins, what should i take, mom?" - i grinned.
"Ok. Go. And tell Puffy hi from me." - mom said as she opened the front door.
"You know i always do this, mom." - i said going outside.
Already three meters away from the house, i heard my mother scream: "And be careful."
I haven't see my friend Puffy for a long time. Mother and i received a letter from her that she invites me to visit. And taking muffins with me, i go with a smile to the forest where Puffy's house is located. Walking along the forest path, i saw how the trees rustled on the sides and the sun shone through them. Puffy's house is from here and i rememeber the way to it. I hum the tune as i hop and spin like a little girl. And here i am standing next to Puffy's house. But it's strange that it's dark inside. I rememeber that Puffy said in a letter that she would be waiting. Weird. The door was surprisingly open. Although Puffy probably left for me, feeling that i will immediately come. Door opened. There was silence in the house.
"Puffy? Puffy, i'm here. Where are you? Why is there no light?" - i said as i entered the house. But then i notice a silhouette at the window out of the corner of my eye. It Looks like Puffy has her back to me, but why didn't she react to my voice?
"Hahah. There you are, Puffy. Why didn't you answer me? If you decided to scare me, then i'll say you almost succeeded." - i said approaching the silhouette.
"Come on, give me a hug, Puffy. Don't stand frozen at the window." - i said, hugging Puffy from behind.
But she didn't answer. Then i noticed something writhing and large on the side. The sun shone through the window and illuminated this object. It is pink and fluffy. Lokks like... a tail?
" Umm... Puffy? Have you always had a pink tail, or do you have a dog?" - i said in disbelief.
I feel something is wrong here.
"I hasten to upset you, little red riding hood."
Whose voice is this? Who is this man?
"But you were sorely mistaken!" - said a male voice loudly.
I raised my head, and two red eyes with catlike pupils are looking at me. Damn it! WHO IS IT? I pulled away abruptly and ran to the door. But i was abruptly seized, and a cloth was applied to my face. I try to break free, but something made me close my eyes and pass out.

3rd face Pov.


There was a knock on the Noveschosch family's house. Miss Noveschosch opened the door. On the threshould was Puffy with suitcases.
"Oh. Hello there, Puffy." - said miss Noveschosch.
"Hello, miss Noveschosch. Bad at home?" - Puffy said.
At this moment miss Noveschosch was speechless with biwilderment.
"What are you talking about? My son went to your house a few minutes ago. We have received your letter." - she said, showing the letter.
"Wait a minute. I just got back from vacation and i couldn't send you a letter like that. Plus it's not my handwriting." - Puffy said in disbelief.
Suddenly miss Noveschosch was worried.

BBH Pov.

"P-please. *whimp* Please let me go. I won't tell anyone." - i cry and whimper, trembling with fear.
I'm boud hand and foot on Puffy's bed. Tears flow like a stream. My heart beating fast, it seems that it is about to jump out. I can't believe that my mother and i were so blatantly deceived. The humanoid beast caught me, tied me up and then unbuttoned my clothes, exposing my chest and belly. This beast walks around the bed, sliding his clawed hand over my body, awakening goosebumps.
The hand abruptly closed my mouth, almost sinking its claws into my cheeks.
"Enough! You can pray all you want. No one hear you in deep forest! First i'll take care of you, then of your mother." - said the beast, running the finger of his free hand from my collarbone to the end of my belly.
I closed my eyes. More tears flow. I can't believe that i'm going to die paintfully now, and my mother will follow me. I am waiting for my fate, but suddenly warm drops splashed on me. I opened my eyes. An arrow sticks in the beast's chest. A red stain grows on a white shirt. The beast slowly looked down at the arrow and began slowly reach for it. But another arrow pierced his head. The contraction on my face eased and the beast fell. I see a figure approaching me. Already close, i recognized the famous hunter of our town - Dream. He freed me.
"Are you okay?" - he asked.
I hugged him. "Y-yes. How did you f-find me?"
"Puffy came back from vacation today, and said that you and your mother were deceived. But i know who is only capable of this." - Dream said.
Together we looked at the body of the beast. It was dead.
"He has long been listed as an elusive ripper beast. I've been after him for a year now. And now, i finally get him." - said Dream, approaching the corpse and taking out arrows.
"Go outside. Your mother and Puffy are waiting for you there." - he added.

My mom with tears and Puffy greeted me with a bear hug. Dream was rewarded for capturing the beast.
"Congratulations, Dream. You've finally killed the one you've been looking for a year." - i told.
"Listen, Bad. I've wanted to tell you for a long time, and I think now is the time." - Dream said.
"What are you talking about?" - i asked.
Dream took my paws.
"Bad, i have been watching you for a long time. But due to business, i couldn't talk about it. Bad, i want to say. Let's date." - he said.
My cheeks burned.
"Woah,... Dream. This is... so unspected." - i said, looking away.
I see mom and Puffy smiling at me.
"Let me think, Dream." - i said.
I took a breath and turned to him.
"Sure. I do." - i said.

Drawing by me 👇

Drawing by me 👇

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