Req. N44. The demon was loved (DreamHalo)

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Request for Yhvyfy

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Request for Yhvyfy


My name is BadBoyHalo, or Darryl Halo. This is the story of how i became a demon. It all started when i, still at the age of a little kid, woke up one morning with a tickling sensation in my legs. I thought it was the snake i was dreaming about. But when i opened my eyes, i opened my eyes and took off the blanket, i saw... That i had a tail!! And when i grabbed my head in fear, i felt... Two horns!! I screamed and rushed to the corner. My parents came running when i screamed. I didn't want to show them what i had, but my stupid tail gave away its presence. My kind parents tried to calm me down, but i heard nothing except my sobs. I could only say later that i discovered it in the morning when i woke up. But that was a few hours later, because my parents calmed me down with chamomile tea and wondered how i got horns and a tail. They both didn't understand the reason, but they were afraid to take me to some people who knew about this things. Since they said that lately there have been only scammers around, or those people can only hurt me. It so happened that i studied and was raised at home. And during walks with my parents, i wore a beanie or hat to hide my horns. And the tail was tied with a scarf to the body under a T-shirt or jacket. So my tail did not move and did not give itself away. I was still sad that i was different from other people, and that memory still remained in my head. But my kind parents, knowing my condition, supported me. Fortunately, no one was hurt during this time. But when i got older, i decided that I wanted to go to high school. At least find a few friends while studying. I had a hard time making a few friends as a child when i went out with my parents. I was always under supervision, as my parents made sure that no one took off my hat, because most children are very curious. And they asked to be careful. And now my desire to go to high school made my parents a little confused, but i said that i wanted to communicate more with my peers, but i promised that i would make sure that no one touched my hat. Resigned, my parents enrolled me in the high school. And already, on the first day of school, before leaving, my parents told me to be careful with the popular kids. If anything, they have connections with the director and teachers, and i can tell them everything if something is wrong.

I walked into the school with tension inside, because i was afraid that someone would suddenly take off my hat. Horewer, speaking of students, almost everyone wears caps or beanies. But still. The first three days went well. My parents asked me about the situation, and i reported everything. Over time, the girls began to hang around me, but i ignored them and kept my beanie innoticed. But suddenly i heard them say:
"Aaww, he's so cute."
What? Me? Cute? I can not believe it. At some point i heard squeals. Out of the corner of my eye i saw a crowd of girls. I hear some of their screams:
"You are my idol!"
"You are beautiful as always."
I asked the question out loud:
"Who else is this, Clay-senpai?"
"Oh, you don't know. Clay-senpai is the most popular guy in our school. All our fell for him. He's awesome and beatifull." - said one girl.
Oh no. Popular guy. I have to be careful.
"Ladies. Are you still sparkling while i'm here?" - says this senpai.
Oh god. I hope he doesn't talk to me. I turned away.
"Hey there. I haven't seen see you here before."
I hope he's not telling me this.
"This guy is new here. He came here three days ago. Isn't he cute?" - said the girl, and seems to be holding my shoulders.
Oh no. Please, shut up!
"Oh, i see. So, new student, did you come for me as well? By the way, what's your name?" - senpai said.
I decide not to answer him.
"His name is Darryl Halo, senpai. He is so cute." - said the girl, hugging me tightly.
I suddenly broke free and shouted:
"Hey! Enough! Can't you see i'm not comfortable with you!"
The girl made an offended face.
"Yeah, Darryl-kun. Are you still here because of me? Just so you know, even the guys here adore me. Surely you too." - said senpai.
"Sorry, you are wrong. I am not interested." - i stated firmly.
"What? Excuse me?!" Senpai's face changed.
And the girls too, it seems.
"I'm here to study and make friends. I'm not interested in handsome guys." - i stated.
"What? How are you..."
"You may be the most handsome guy in school; all girls and guys are crazy about you; but let me say that i am one of them. I'm here to study. Now excuse me, i'll go." - i said when the bell rang.
I've heard outraged conversations behind my back, but i just ignore it since my parents told me to be careful around popular people at school.

The next day

I'm sitting in a literature class and reading a book. When suddenly...
"Darryl-kun, there you are."
That voice..
"Huh? Oh, it's you again." - i said coldy.
"Would you like to take a look at something? You shou like it." - senpai said insistently.
"Not interesting." - i said without looking him in the eyes.

In gym class

"Darryl-kun. I have great skills with the ball. Do you wanna take a look?" - senpai said, standing in front of me and holding a ball.
"No, i'm not." - i stated coldly.

Lunch time

"Darryl-kun, can i have lunch with you?" - senpai said, sitting next to me and holding a lunch box.
"Sorry but no." - i said, moving away from him.

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