We Got This

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Welcome back to Seabrook, where belonging is. everything.
We're a strong, united, and tight knit community. And that's a good thing; 'cause it wasn't always this way.
There was a time when we had to protect ourselves.

Legend has it that when the first settlers came to Seabrook, they found wild beasts with sharp claws lurking in the forest. Which sparked an epic battle. Seabrook settlers bravely fought off the monstrous attack and discovered a powerful energy source.

Realizing they discovered a precious resource, they safeguarded it from the beasts. They weren't going to let anyone steal their treasure, so they hid it, and the town prospered and grew rich by harnessing the precious energy source. Seabrook benefited greatly as it grew strong, happy, and unified.

The beasts were a distant memory. Seabrook forgot monsters could be real.

Until, clearly, they were. A little like soda mixed with a dash of industrial strength Seabrook energy and


zombies were created.

In a lot of ways, Seabrook's moved on since then. But it's hard to bury your past.


You were sleeping peacefully on the top bunk of a wooden bunk bed when suddenly, the most obnoxious, earsplitting horn pierced your ears.

You shot up from your deep slumber only to hear Bucky shouting for the arising of the new and improved cheer squad. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and flipped your pillow so that it laid on top of your face, burying it. Addison rose up from the bunk below yours stretching.

You sighed and removed the pillow from your face moving to the ladder. Addison smiled at you as you both pulled on your cheer camp outfits, which consisted of pink sweatpants and a pink Tshirt with the Seabrook logo on it.

"So, ready for your very first day of cheer camp? I know I'm fired up." Addison said as she tied up her hair.

"Yeah, totally." You said, nervously. You tried to match her energy, but, as always, Addison saw right through you.

"Hey, you're going to do great. Once you get past all of the competition stuff, cheer camp is really fun. And," she nudged you with her elbow, " we get to hang out all summer."

You smiled again.

Addison was your first real friend in Seabrook. Everyone in town had heard of your mother's reputation and rumors spread like wildfire in a town this small. Such rumors had caused your dad to homeschool you until freshman year, after Mayor Wells required that once a student hit the 9th grade, they had to attend school in person, to learn to "socialize properly."

Despite the law put in place, the students at school were relentless. Especially Bucky. But luckily, that was the same year that zombies were welcomed into Seabrook. After a bunch of trial and error, the anti-monster laws were lifted, and Seabrook High was finally integrated. But that didn't stop the backlash.

Addison was the very first person to truly see you. She was also the reason you signed up for cheer camp in the first place.

"Thanks, Addi. I'm really glad you convinced me to do cheer camp this year."

The two of you shared a hug, which was rudely interrupted by Bucky on a megaphone.

"ATTENTION all cheerleaders report to the dock or you will be disqualified from the Cheer Cup Competition."

You and Addison giggled as you ran to the dock together.

"Split up!" Bucky said, entering with a totally extra front walkover into a back flip, landing, well, perfectly.

Everyone did, indeed, split into two groups on each side of Bucky, cheering as he marveled in the spotlight.

Then, he silenced them. You held back the urge to roll your eyes and continued to stay silent.

Bucky began speaking, "You've all heard the stories of bloodthirsty monsters who roam these woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders."

You raised an eyebrow as the 'Aceys popped up behind Bonzo and Bree shouting "Boo!" They screamed and held each other in their arms, gathering the attention of everyone else there.

Bucky laughed before continuing. "Well those stories are just silly make believe. But you'd better believe we're gonna break you down and build you back up into peppy little cheer machines like...



And our most recent Acey, JC."

Everyone applauded and, to not cause trouble, you did too. If there was anything you hated more, it was having negative attention on you.

Then, JC made a very big mistake. By speaking. "I'm Kevin."

Bucky's face dropped.

"Right... We changed my name to JC, which I love, by the way." Then he took his place beside Bucky.

"Long live the Aceys!" Bucky said excitedly.

Everyone cheered again.

Then Bucky split everyone up into two teams. He pointed to the Aceys, "You three lead the veterans; you're the A-team. Addison, Bree, and y/n, you take the newbies. You're the... You're the Z-team."
The Aceys handed the Z-team a set of green shirts.

Bree didn't look too excited but you could see in Addison's face that she was proud. And if she was, so were you.
"Zombies, and y/n," Bucky glanced at you, earning a (hopefully rude) eye roll, "this is obviously your first time at cheer camp. Now, I'm not anti-change, I'm just pro keeping things the way they are, because you don't mess with success. This week, the veterans and the newbies will compete for the Cheer Camp Cup, to see who is more cheertastic!"

The Aceys looked confident enough but Addison looked determined, and if you knew one thing, it was that when Addison was determined, nothing could stop her. So, in turn, you felt confident too.

"The veterans have always won the Cheer Camp Cup, right Aceys?" The Aceys answered Bucky excitedly.

Addison spoke up. "We'll see about that!"

You and Bree nodded in agreement.

Bucky and the Aceys rolled their eyes "To the cheer course!"

The Aceys ran ahead, but not before Lacey left a crude comment; "Watch and learn, snowball."

Ah yes. Addison's hair. It had been two years since she had exposed her totally beautiful hair to everyone at school. Despite her extremely moving moment in which she removed her wig, her hair still received fire from the Aceys.

"Addison! Get those pom poms pumping!" Bucky yelled from the starting line of the course.

Addison turned around, "Let's show 'em that we got this! Come on Z-team!"


Author's Note:
I tried to make this as long as possible; but nobody told me this was gonna be so time consuming. Anyway; thank you for reading! I'll try to update as much as possible; I hope you like it!

And don't worry, you'll definitely be speaking more soon.

Also, would you believe me if I told you that I'm only 5 minutes into the movie so far 💀

And if you could comment on whether or not you want me to include the songs, that would be great!

I'm gonna be honest, I probably won't write the second chapter until somebody comments about the song thing. I don't really know what to do.

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