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Everyone stood in a collective moment of shock. You felt worried.

Was that what those preying eyes were? Suddenly you felt your chest tighten.

"Cool!" Zoey exclaimed, jumping into the air.

The Aceys collectively added their own ear-bleeding symphony.



"What wolves??"

"Here wolves!?"


Then they all snatched out their phones and began typing away on their phones, alerting their peers.

You and Zed hoped no one would believe it; but no sooner had you all entered the community gates, Mayor Wells had called a town meeting. The entire City Hall sat in anticipation; murmuring to each other about rumors of werewolves in Seabrook.

Bucky was, of course, the loudest.

"Werewolves are real! I always, always said the stories of monsters in the forest were real. And no one believed me!" He sat down dramatically on the bleachers, sticking his thumb into his mouth and chewing on the nail.

You were seated near the Aceys and Bucky.

The Aceys conversed on their own.

"I thought werewolves were just myths." Stacey said.

"Yeah, like cavities." JC responded. Stacey, Lacey, and Bucky stared at him. Even you glanced over, giving JC a look. "Those are real too??" He said in response.

You stood up and walked away as they chatted some more about the wolves. Even though you felt completely terrified, you couldn't help but be curious.  You noticed Addison talking to her parents and approached them. But not before Bucky barged in between them.

"Aunt Missy, Uncle Dale. The crash was horrible. But I protected Addison." He said, putting his arm around her. You crossed your arms and scoffed. "Anyone as courageous as me would've done the same. Though not really. I am super brave."

You rolled your eyes. "Sure you did, Bucky."

He quickly glared at you before looking back at Mr. And Mrs. Wells.

Addison spoke up before the situation could escalate. "Mom, dad, everything's fine."

"It's not fine. There are werewolves circling us right now, waiting to attack!" Addison's dad said hurriedly.

"Yeah; and I'm way too tasty. I'm always looking like a snack." Bucky quickly interjected.

"But maybe they're not! Maybe they just saw us, in the woods, and are like... Interested in getting to know us?" You said, ignoring Bucky and crossing your arms.

Bucky shoved his palm to your face in an attempt to silence you, "Somebody has to do something." You swatted his hand away.

Addison's mom started heading to the council podium. "And somebody will."

You and Addison stared at her, wide-eyed.

She banged her gavel, drawing the attention of the room. "By order of city council, effective immediately, all anti-monster laws are reinstated." She banged the gavel again as your jaw dropped.

"Mom! That is unfair!" Addison shouted over the applause in the room. Her mom shushed her and smiled at the crowd in front of her.

Zed approached Addison from the bleachers.

"Zed, we need to talk." Addison said.

"Yeah, we do. Even though you didn't write; or answer any of my letters."

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 FanFic (Wyatt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now