The Plan

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The next morning, you and Addison made your way downstairs. You both sat down at the breakfast table and started eating. Addison glanced up to find her parents staring at her.

Mrs. Wells spoke. "So... New look?"

Addison looked over at you, then back to her mom. "I like it. My new friends like it. Y/n likes it. Right, y/n?" She turned back to you.

You smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Yup." You looked back down at your bowl to avoid tension. Addison knew you were telling the truth, so you didn't feel bad for looking away.

"Did you join a, um, rock... Band?" Mr. Wells said.

You glanced up from your bowl, eyebrows drawn together.

Addison made a face. "No, dad. It's just a new hairstyle and some new clothes. It's no big deal."

Her parents looked uncomfortable.

You looked over at the microwave in the kitchen. Luckily, it was time to leave.

"Well, uh, Addison, we have to get to school." You cleared your throat, "We don't want to be late." You smiled at her parents saying, "Thank you so much for breakfast," before turning and grabbing your bag.

The two of you left without exchanging another word with Mr and Mrs Wells.

"They are acting so weird." Addison said.

You thought a moment before responding. "Well, they are used to 'perfection' so... Well, you look different." You glanced over at Addison before quickly adding, "but different in a good way, obviously. As in, obviously you look amazing and I'm totally jealous of you."

She let out a laugh and nudged you in the side with her elbow.

As you approached the school, all eyes were on you and Addison. It felt like your first day at Seabrook High, freshman year. You thought you were used to prying eyes, but of course, this time, they were looking at Addison.

Principal Lee made an announcement about the election. Zed and Bucky were going to go head to head in a debate. You couldn't wait to see Zed eat Bucky alive... Well... Not literally, of course.

Walking through the hallways was like walking on a red carpet. You heard murmurs from the other students about how amazing Addison's hair was.

You could see her confidence totally soaring and you smiled, knowing that your best friend was on her way.

As you passed the Aceys, Lacey stood up.

"WOAH! Bad hair day?" Lacey said, looking shocked.

Stacey scoffed. "You mean 'bad hair life.'"

Addison turned around. "I think it looks great."

"Yeah, not so much." JC said, snapping his fingers along with Stacey and Lacey.

You rolled your eyes. "Listen, ladies," you looked over at JC to make sure he heard you, "Addison is entitled to wear her hair how she wants. And besides, I don't think she should be taking advice from you." You pointed to Lacey.

Lacey scoffed and turned to Addison. "Addison, if you ever expect to be cheer captain-"

"Well, maybe I don't. Maybe cheer team isn't for me after all." Addison interrupted.

Your jaw dropped and the Aceys all gasped, walking away.

"Wait, but, Addi, all you've ever known is cheer. You worked so hard to be captain." You said, looking at her.

She shifted in place. "I know, but... What if I never even really liked cheer? What if it was just to make my parents proud of me? Or to fit in? Look, I-I'm done trying to fit in. The werewolves know who they are, and so do I." She crossed her arms.

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