One For All: Part Two

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Everyone turned to see Addison, who was being followed by the whole school.

Every kid at Prawn came to help. You smiled at Addison, and she smiled back.

The ground shook again as the new crowd hovered around the moonstone.

"We came here to help." Addison yelled over the destruction, "c'mon everyone, we got this!"

Everyone repositioned themselves so that the newcomers could help lift the moonstone. You lifted the moonstone into the air, and were about to walk out of the cave when the ground quaked once more.

A huge stone slab fell over the way out.

"The chamber's collapsed. We can't cary the moonstone through." Wyatt said.

You shoved your way over to the blocked entrance. "I think I can fix this."

"What? How?" Zed asked frantically.

You took a step to the side and closed your eyes. Your body tingled with new energy. You raised a trembling hand and began to lift the slab.

"She's doing it!" Willa shouted, "Quick! Everyone, grab the moonstone!"

Your breath had shortened, and your pulse had quickened. Your body strained along with your brain.

The slab was now currently, completely off the ground and out of the way. But the ground shook again and your concentration wavered. The slab shifted slightly, closing off the entrance a little.

You heard Addison's voice among the noise. "Y/n, come on! Get out!"

But you couldn't move, and with one more quake in the ground, you fell, dropping the slab back into place.

Your energy had been drained almost completely, and now you were stuck under ground, with no way out. You were going to die.

But, then, you heard the slab being moved. Stone grinding on stone. And then you were being held. In a matter of seconds, you were on the other side of the slab. There were footsteps heard, as your carrier and the person who moved the slab ran, as fast as they could, to the surface.

Then, your face was on cold marble.

"Y/n?!" Addison was now by your side. Though you couldn't see her, you felt her presence. "Hey, y/n can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Your eyes fluttered open, and everyone was looking at you. (And I mean everyone.) But the first people you saw were Addison, Zed, and... Wyatt?

Wyatt was staring at you intensely; worried.

You attempted to sit up, but your arms felt like rubber bands and you struggled to stay propped up.

Addison scooted closer to you, helping to hold you up. "Hey, it's okay." She grabbed you and hugged you tight. "I'm so glad your okay." She mumbled into your ear. Your arms shook as they rose to hug her back.

Willa moved to stand beside Wyatt. She crouched down to your level. "Hey, thank you. For everything." She smiled softly.

"Well, you guys deserved to be saved. It was nothing, really." You said, weakly. "Now um... Can someone help me up? The only thing I hate more than feeling helpless is looking helpless."

Zed breathed out a laugh as him and Wyatt each grabbed one of your arms and propped you up.

You groaned as your feet got used to your weight again, primarily leaning on Wyatt, but Zed stayed with you to make sure you didn't collapse.

The wolves howled in celebration. Then, everyone walked back into the gym where Prawn was being held. Zed and Wyatt sat you down on a chair, and Zed excuses himself to go be with Addison.

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 FanFic (Wyatt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now