The New Wolves in Town

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After some time, you had finally made it home. The moon was full, so you decided to sit out on your front porch, sipping hot chocolate, and finishing your homework.

You felt a familiar presence. About a dozen of them. Then you heard it. The howl. So far away and yet so very near. You packed up your homework and let yourself inside. As cool as the idea of werewolves was, you didn't want to be caught by one. You went upstairs to your room and placed your finished homework into your bag. Then you walked over to the window and opened it a crack. A collection of howls seeped in through the window and you flinched away. You didn't want to know if it was those werewolves, or just some regular dogs. You walked over to your bed and snuggled up under the covers, pulling them up to your chin. Soon enough, you drifted peacefully to sleep.

The next morning your alarm awoke you. You went through your morning like normal and upon approaching your second period of the day, you noticed Zed, Addison, and Eliza standing in the hallway. You approached them mid conversation.

"Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple!" Eliza remarked.

"Whatcha talking about?" You asked, standing next to Eliza.

"Just the Prawn." Addison answered, swaying her upper body.

"Yeah, and they're both refusing to leave each other behind. Addison won't go to the Prawn without Zed and Zed won't let Addison not go. It's totally, adorably, gross." Eliza said, smirking.

"Oh fantastic, guys. What ever shall you do?" You said dramatically.

Addison giggled. "Anyways... How's it going Eliza?"

"Well, you know, fighting injustice is keeping me very busy." She replied.

"Mhm yeah, and how do you manage to be a fighter and totally gorgeous at the same time?" You said, placing your hand on Eliza's shoulder.

She rolled her eyes and smiled at you.

"Maybe she could teach you a thing or two. It's not every day that a totally normal person can fight for rights and look good while doing it." Addison added in.

You playfully nudged her arm as Zed made a comment about the burn Addison just dished.

Across the hall, the four of you turned to see Bucky and JC talking. You didn't hear much over the hallway chatter, but knowing Bucky, it was probably about that student president thing. And your thoughts were confirmed when he yelled across the school.

"Addison! Time to officially nominate me as president!" Then he said something else to JC and continued walking away.

"Cheer could be so much more than just pop-pomming for Bucky."

"Y'know... That's why I'm not voting for him. Especially if no one's running against him." You said.

"Uh, Addison?" You turned to see Lacey behind Addison. "Once we're cheer captain, you are so off the team."

You raised an eyebrow.

"And when I'm cheer captain, you'll be welcome to stay, because I'll be making cheer about bringing people together." Addi said to Lacey and Stacey.

You smiled, but that quickly faded when Stacey made a quick comment about Addison's 'trash talk.' Lacey spoke again. "I know, right. You will never be cheer captain, freak." The two Aceys smiled at each other before dragging Addison away.

Stacey looked back to see if you were following. "Hey, weirdo, are you coming or what?" She yelled.

Sometimes you forgot you were on the cheer squad. And you wished you could forget that that meant the Aceys had to drag you and Addison with them everywhere.

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 FanFic (Wyatt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now