Zed For Prez!

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After that, you went about your day as normal. Well, as normal as it could be with werewolves attending your school. Soon enough, the day was over. Zed still had to go to football practice after school, so you had offered to walk Zoey home from Seabrook elementary. After that, you went home and got to your homework.

That night, you tossed and turned, thinking. Why were those wolves really here? You knew that their pack leader, who's name turned out to be Willa, said that they'd wanted to join your school. And, sure, that was believable enough for the teachers and students there, but you just couldn't shake the feeling that something about the whole ordeal was just off.

Finally, after some time, you drifted off.


The next morning, you awoke in a cold sweat. Your dreams had forced you awake. Immediately, you grabbed your sketchbook and scrawled out the image in your head. The remaining vision that was the only and final clue to your dream.

 The remaining vision that was the only and final clue to your dream

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(Just pretend it's a very well-drawn sketch, thanks)

After finishing the drawing, you stuffed your sketchbook into your backpack and quickly grabbed your phone off the nightstand.

You messaged Addison immediately.

Y/n: Hey, meet me out front of the school ten minutes before the doors open. I have something important to show you.

Addison: ok... What's so urgent?

Y/n: I'll tell you when I get to school ttyl

You got dressed and ran out the door before your dad could stop you for breakfast.

Once you made it to the school, you checked the time, counting down the seconds until Addison approached the front doors.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Addison asked as you pulled your bag off your back and yanked your sketchbook out.

"Okay... Hold on..." You flipped the pages until you found the sketch. "Okay, have you seen this before? It was in my dream last night, but I don't know its relevance. And I cannot, for the life of me, remember what it's called."

Addison stared at the picture, gently taking out of your hands to examine it more closely. She drew her eyebrows together. "No, I don't know what that is. It looks like some kind of stone, though. Oh! Or a rock. And what are those shadows behind it?"

She turned the sketchbook around and pointed to the three elongated shadows in the back.

"I think those were people. I don't remember why they were there, though." You took your sketchbook back and put it into your bag, just as the first swarm of students approached.

The doors unlocked and then more students traveled in and out of the school to find their friends before class. You saw Zed and Eliza walking together, handing out flyers and talking to each other. You pointed Addison in their direction and you both ran towards them.

"Good luck, Mr. Future President." Addison said, smiling.

Then Bree ran up, grinning, and clearly excited. "Hey, Zed! Did you hear? Addi's being tested for captain, and she gets to run cheer practice tomorrow!"

You smiled and looked over at Addi.

"It's not a big deal." She said shaking her head. "Okay, it's huge!" You and Bree giggled.

"A huge chance to fail!" Lacey yelled from a voting table.

You rolled your eyes. "Don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's talking about." You said.

Addison smiled at you, "Thanks, y/n, that means a lot."

"If Addi aces this practice, oh my gosh, she's so going to be cheer captain once Bucky wins!" Bree added.

Immediately, you motioned for her to stop talking, but she just kept going.

"He's so gonna win, because, you know elections, they're just these big old popularity contests. And Bucky is super popular." She only stopped when Zed cleared his throat. Then she noticed you and Addison.

"Thanks, Bree." Zed said, his voice strained.

There was a slight awkward silence before Addison spoke again.

"Look, I know it's weird I'll only be cheer captain if Bucky's president but-"

"No, that just means neither of us can lose! Y'know, 'cause one of us is going to get what we want. And... I can live with that." Zed smiled.

"Aww! You guys are adorable. Honestly, I can't deal." You interjected. Addison gently elbowed you in the ribs.

"Me too. You'll do great, Zed." Addison said.

Zed handed her a flier and yelled, "Zed for Prez!"

You headed off to class, and behind you, you heard a megaphone. "Shish Boom Bucky Buchanan for president. A vote for Bucky is a vote for cheer-fection!" Over top of the school anthem.

You cringed and mumbled, "Sounds like a disease," before heading inside the school.  You had just made it to your locker when the wolves entered the school. Willa growled at passing students who, in return, ran out of her way. You opened the door to your locker and peeked around it.

"These sheep just let us in? Baaa-d idea!" Willa said.

"Hey, we agreed to play nice, Willa." The boy wolf next to her said. You hadn't gotten a chance to meet him yet, but he seemed so familiar.

"Oh? This is me being nice." Willa retorted, scratching her claws into the lockers across from yours.

You jumped backwards, moving closer to your locker, as one of the wolves in the pack growled in your face.

The small wolf from the day before fell behind and drank from the water fountain. Though the rest of her pack seemed intimidating, she seemed... well... Human...like.

Zed and Eliza walked into the school, still talking about the election. The wolves were the swing vote.

The wolves gathered at the top of the hallway and stared at their new peers, cowering away from them. The boy wolf caught your eye again. You squinted at him from behind your locker door. Then he looked at you. Your breath hitched in your throat. The Seabrook Power worker!

The bell rang, signaling the start of first period. The pack howled together before splitting up.

The boy wolf was heading in the direction of your first class.

You slammed your locker shut and followed after him.


Author's Note:

This chapter is ever so slightly shorter than the previous chapters, but don't worry, I'm gonna knock out the next chapter in a few.

Thanks for reading <3

I appreciate each, and every one of you guys!

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 FanFic (Wyatt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now