Do it Like the Zombies Do

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Walking into first period, you finally learned the boy wolf's name. Wyatt. At first you were intimidated. Like... These were the same "bloodthirsty werewolves" all those legends talked about. But you were also intrigued.

Throughout the day, Wyatt was being trailed by the smaller wolf, Wynter. She was... Interesting, and almost completely different from the rest of her pack. She had these sudden outbursts of energy that drew the attention of the room. When she wasn't around the rest of her pack, she was a great conversationalist; however, she seemed to switch up completely around them.

After school, you met with Addison and Bree to do homework.

You were searching the shelves for history books, but most of them seemed to be gone, so you made your way back to Bree's table.

Then you saw someone out of the corner of your eye; Wyatt. Holding a book upside down.

You cleared your throat and flipped the book over. Wyatt let out an awkward laugh as you walked away.

"Jeez this guy's weird..." You mumbled.

You heard his footsteps behind you, but continued to walk until you sat down next to Addison. Wynter snatched a page out of Bree's binder before shoving it into her mouth and chewing it.

"Hey! That dog just ate my homework!" Bree said motioning to her.

You grimaced as you handed her your own. "Here... I'll just redo it later." While grabbing your homework, you dropped your sketchbook on the floor. Despite your sketch from this morning being difficult to find earlier, it happened to land on that exact page. You scrambled to pick it up, but Wyatt reached it before you did.

He stared at the drawing for a moment before handing it back to you.

"Thanks..." You said.

Then Willa approached your table and slammed a book down. "Lies! These history books claim werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers. But they struck first, and stole our moonstone!"

Addison looked up at Willa. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that."

You mumbled, "Wait a second. 'Moonstone'?"

Willa continued speaking. "There's a lot you don't know." She said, snatching the books off the table and walking away.

"Maybe. But I do know that the alarm's going to go off if you don't check out those books."

Willa threw her necklace at the alarm system and walked by. The sensors looked fried.

"Our necklaces have a way with electronics." Wyatt said, grinning. Then him and Wynter followed after Willa.

A little while later, you met up with Zed and Eliza. They were back to their morning conversation and we're heading into Zombietown to persuade the wolves to vote for him. You trailed behind them, holding your hands together behind your back.

"Yep, if we win the wolves' vote, we win the election. How hard can it be?" Zed said.

You raised an eyebrow.

"Hello, wolves, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, zombie, football star, presidential hopeful." He held his hand out to shake. The wolves stared at his hand, a look of disdain crossing their faces. Zed pulled his hand back, "Okay..."

Eliza stepped in, saving the day, as per usual. "When zombies first came to Seabrook, we were outsiders too. Which is why, you need a great president, like Zed to represent you." She smiled.

You also smiled, but less enthusiastically. You were only there to support your friend, and honestly, you were ready to go home.

"We'd be honored if you guys joined us." Eliza added.

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 FanFic (Wyatt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now