Give Me an A!

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After the whole wolf fiasco, you'd decided that Zed had given you enough secondhand embarrassment to last a lifetime. So, you went home.

The next morning you woke up feeling excited, which was an abnormal feeling when it came to waking up in the morning. But then you remembered; it was Addison's big day! You rushed downstairs after putting on your clothes and sat down at the breakfast table.

"Hey, y/n, glad you could join us for breakfast today." Your dad said, standing at the stove and scrambling eggs.

"Yeah... Sorry about that... Addison had something really, really important to show me yesterday. She wanted to talk before the school opened the doors. Anyways, I can only stick around for a short while this morning. Addison's running cheer practice today and I wanna make sure I get there on time. I don't want to make her look bad." You shoved two pieces of bread into the toaster and grabbed the butter from the fridge.

"Alright, well, just remember to be good. And don't get hurt. And be careful of those werewolves. I haven't been hearing great things." Your dad said, dumping his eggs onto a plate.

"Dad, you really don't have to worry. The werewolves are actually... Kinda cool. They're nice, they can cheer, and they're in Addison's good graces; that means they're alright in my book." You responded as the toaster popped.

Your dad chuckled.

You grabbed and buttered your toast before grabbing your backpack and phone and running off to school.

When you got there, you entered the locker room to change into your cheer uniform. You fixed your hair into a half-up, half-down and walked into the gym just in time for Addison to call everyone to attention.

"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice! Together we can do anything." Addison said.

While you were walking in the direction of the group you noticed you had an audience. And Wyatt.

You tapped Addison's shoulder. "Um, Addi... We have an audience." You mumbled.

She turned around to see the werewolves sitting on the bleachers.

"Sorry, but this cheer practice space is for cheerleaders only." Addison said, seeming confident and together.

Wynter stood up from her seat, " Just try and get us to leave." She said defensively, crossing her arms.

Wyatt stood up next to her and placed his hand on her arm. "Wynter. Some respect." He said.

"Wait, no, I don't want you to leave" Addison said. Everyone shared a look between shock and terror. "I want you to stay. Show us what you can do."

The wolves looked around at each other confused and the cheer squad did the same.

"Addi-" you started. Addison stopped you by placing a hand on your arm. You supposed it was meant as reassurance, but you still felt weary. You couldn't help it. Anxiety was contagious.

"The cheer team is for everyone." Addison said, smiling.

You smiled back at her. After all, she was right. And if you really meant what you had said earlier, the werewolves weren't... Dangerous. Of course, there was that nagging feeling. Like an unfinished puzzle; you had all the pieces, you just had to fit them together. But now was not the time; this was Addison's moment.

The wolves walked over and meshed themselves into the cheerleaders. Addison began the count in.





And then you were moving. The cheerleaders worked on their routine and the wolves freestyled. But in such a way that you complimented each other. There was no groupthink but you each felt the fluidity of everyone's movements.

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 FanFic (Wyatt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now