One For All: Part One

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Several days had passed since the demolition. The wolves had gone into hiding; none of them had been at school since that day.

Addison was still refusing to talk to Zed.

You spent most of your time with her, whenever you could. You'd both been hit emotionally from the detonation, and neither of you wanted to be alone.

The day of Prawn had nearly arrived, and as you walked Addison to her next class, Bucky shouted over the PA system.

"Attention everyone!" He said excitedly. "This is your new president, Bucky, reminding you that the Prawn is tomorrow night!"

Principal Lee took over, sounding... Quite sad. "As you know, with the anti-monster laws still in place, this is a human only event." Then the loud speaker cut off.

You felt a lump in your throat, but cleared it away and walked into your own classroom.

The day seemed to drag on. Thinking of Prawn only made you feel more miserable. You didn't have a date, monsters couldn't go, and as a cherry on top of it all, the werewolves were dying. And there was nothing you could do about it.

Or so you thought.

Later that night, Zed messaged you to meet up in front of his house in Zombietown.

You left your house and walked under the full moon, sulking your way past the security people, who were definitely not doing their jobs.

"Y/n! Great, you're here! I thought you might be mad at me, too." Zed said.

You rolled your eyes. "Who says I'm not? You stole from the wolves and betrayed Addison. And then you tried to defend yourself. You're really selfish, you know that?"

Zed folded his hands together. "Yeah, I do know that. But I wanna fix this. I want to crash Prawn. With the werewolves. To make a point."

You pretended to check your watch. "Right, and why am I here? You made the mess and, what? You're gonna make me clean it up?"

"No! No, I just... I just need your help. You've spent a lot of time around them, they'll listen to you." Zed said.

You narrowed your eyes at him. "And, what makes you think I'll help you? You broke my best friend's heart. And lied to her. And you put the wolves in danger, for your own selfish vendetta."

He sighed. "Look, I messed up. Big time. I know. But, I'm really trying to make this right. Please. If you won't do it for me, then will you do it for the wolves? Or for Addison?"

You crossed your arms. "Fine. For the wolves."

The two of you made your way to the forbidden forest in silence. Then, you passed the gate and made your way to the wolf den.

Upon entering, you immediately noticed the quiet, stillness. A few coughs here and there. Werewolves draped in blankets, huddled close together.

Wyatt was giving one of the wolves a bowl of food. He walked over to Willa, who was covering a wolf with a blanket.

Zed approached them and Wyatt looked up to see him, and you.

Zed spoke first, "They were wrong to destroy Seabrook Power. And... I was wrong about werewolves. You have every right to fight for who you are."

Willa and Wyatt looked at each other, then back at Zed.

"Yeah, but what are we now, zombie?" Wyatt said, sounding spiteful.

Zed drew his eyebrows together. "You're fierce, proud werewolves."

Willa scoffed. "Yeah, well they think we're monsters."

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 FanFic (Wyatt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now