The End of An Era

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The summer blew by. You'd wished every day until the last for Cheer Camp to end, and eventually it did.

Bucky made it totally miserable and though the Z-team won overall, it was still a difficult process. The entire time, you couldn't help but feel bad for Addison. Zed never wrote to her despite her sending him letters every day. Not to mention that the A-team only almost won because Bucky was being totally unfair. But finally, you'd made it to the end. The Z-team won the Cheer Camp Cup and camp was coming to a close.

However, the celebration of winning was short lived.

"Aceys; disappointing. You can't be scared to get those jazz hands dirty!" Bucky said, motioning to the Aceys.

You couldn't stifle the giggle that arose in your throat. The entire A-team was coated head to foot in half dried mud. Ironically, their "jazz hands" were spotless.

Bucky handed the giant silver trophy to Addison. "The Cheer Camp Cup is yours," he said disappointedly.

Your team cheered excitedly you and Bree shared a hug as Addison accepted the trophy. She nearly dropped and you had to assume it must be real silver.

Abruptly, Bucky took the trophy back. "Glad you enjoyed it. Now let's make this victory about me." He grinned. "I've decided to be school president this year."

You chuckled, which resulted in a sideways glare from Bucky.

"Ahem. Now technically there's an election; but come on." He motioned to himself with his hands, "Which means we'll need a new cheer captain while I rule the school. Who's worthy to lead?"

The Aceys seemed to have finally begun paying attention, because their voices overlapped each other's as they attempted to take the place of cheer captain.

You interrupted their banter. "Hold on! No. We need a cheer caption who's going to build a united squad." You decided to settle for a low-blow to the Aceys. "Someone who has the skill to be cheer captain." You placed your hand on Addison's shoulder, "Someone like Addison."

She smiled at you, "Thanks y/n."

The Z-team began to cheer on your best friend. You joined in.

"All right. All right. Calm down. A-team, go get washed up. Everybody else! Pack your bags. We're leaving first thing in the morning." Bucky shouted over everyone's voices.

The next morning, everyone shoved their bags into the bus compartment and boarded the bus. Bree sat next to Addison and you sat in the seat behind them next to a zombie.

"I'm so excited to see Zed." Addison said with a smile on her face.

"Even though he didn't write you at all? Interesting..." You rested your head on the back of Addi's seat.

"He did write. The Aceys turned our love letters into pom poms. And he could've been busy too. Besides, not everyone spends their summers indoors like you used to." She turned in her seat to tap you on the nose.

You rolled your eyes and smiled.

A cheerleader on the other side of the bus yelled something about Prawn and hugged the zombie next to him. You drew your eyebrows together and bit the inside of your cheek momentarily lost in thought. It had never occurred to you before; but you had been looking forward to Prawn because you had hoped that, despite your reputation as the new Town Witch, someone would get over themselves and ask you to be their date. But of course, no such invitation.

"Getting invited to Prawn sounds great." Bree said. "But Bonzo won't even look at me." She looked down at her lap before glancing at the back of the bus where Bonzo sat.

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2 FanFic (Wyatt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now