Call to The Wild: Part One

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Addison, being Addison, immediately stood up and made her way to the door. She was in protection mode. She'd called out for Zed, but since there was no answer, the two of you collectively assumed there was danger.

Not wanting to be left behind, and worrying for your friend, you stood up and trailed after her, clutching your mug.

Addison opened the door to find five huge claw marks diagonally etched into the wood. She made her way outside; you followed close behind.

You placed your mug on the chair closest to you as Addison searched around the front of the house. She gasped and you looked up to see the werewolves. Your eyes widened, and chills raced down your spine. The momentary fear evaporated when you saw Wyatt, replaced with a sort of homey feeling.

"What's she doing here?" Willa whispered to Wyatt. He looked at her, shrugging his shoulders.

Addison stood in front of you, arm slightly extended. Though you felt like a selfish wimp, you stood by her and allowed her to protect you.

Despite the wolves interactions with you and the comfort you felt being around Wyatt, the wolves still scared you.

"Addison, come with us." Willa said, breaking the confused silence.

"Well, what's so important?" She asked.

Wyatt responded, "You are."

Addison drew her eyebrows together and turned to look at you. You looked back at her, and you felt the confusion, much more noticeable than the fear, evident on your face.

"I um... I can't just leave y/n here. Can she come with?" Addison said, stepping forward slightly and lowering her arm.

Wyatt and Wynter looked over at Willa. She looked you up and down. "Fine. Let's go." She said.

Wyatt smiled at you and motioned for you and Addison to follow.

Walking through the woods past curfew didn't scare you, but the fact that you were following a pack of werewolves into the forbidden forest, seemed so... Exhilarating. Your brain almost couldn't differentiate between the feelings of excitement and fear.

Soon enough, the pack led you to the entrance of what looked like a cave. Most of the wolves entered through an opening; Wyatt, Willa, and Wynter stood out front, waiting for you and Addison.

"Where are we?" Addison said, her voice shaking ever so slightly.

Abnormally hyped up, as usual, Wynter replied. "It's a wolf secret. If we told you, we'd have to kill you."

You and Addison shared a look of terror.

You saw Wynter glance over at Willa and Wyatt. "Too much, too much, I knew it! Sorry." She held her arms out. "Welcome! But not too welcome!" Then she growled... Or attempted to.

Her necklace glowed a sickly yellow-green and she began to spiral into another coughing fit, like earlier.

Addison placed her hand on Wynter's shoulder and you prepared for her to fall.

"Are you okay? What's happening?" Addison asked.

Wynter seemed to be immensely sad all of a sudden; she gripped her necklace. "My necklace is losing its charge."

You placed your hand on hers. She gave a weak smile in reply.

Wyatt spoke up. "Every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose their power. All of our elders are too sick to travel, which leaves-"

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me." Willa interrupted.

You felt your face molding itself. You couldn't help but feel sad for them. Their pack was dying.

Willa walked over to Wynter. "You'll be fine, Wynter. I promise." She turned to Wyatt, "you'd better be right about this."

Wyatt shifted in his place uncomfortably.

Willa continued, "we need to find the moonstone soon." Then, she led Wynter inside.

Wyatt motioned for you and Addison to follow them; you trailed behind warily.

The five of you made your way through the entrance. Wynter had mustered up some of her energy back.

"The wolf den!" She said excitedly.

You let out an appreciative giggle.

Then you and Addison both stared in awe at the scene before you.

"Wow." Addison said.

"It's okay to be impressed." Wynter said, with a huge grin on her face.

Wyatt moved up next to you. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He said.

You turned to look at him. His dark brown eyes shine in the refracted moonlight. You hoped it was dark enough that no one could see the red seeping into your cheeks. "Yeah, I've never seen anything like it."

Wyatt smiled warmly and you turned back to the den.

"Our language. Awooooo!" He turned back to look at you two, "that means 'welcome.'"

Addison attempted to respond, "Awooo!"

You heard scattered laughs throughout the den.

"Ostrich boots?" Wynter asked from behind you.

"No, I think Addison meant, 'awooooo!" Wyatt said.

Addison tried again, "Awoo!"

More laughter; Wyatt turned to her, "polkadot unicorn?"

Wynter searched around her frantically. "Cool! Where?" She asked.

Addison turned to you; you drew your eyebrows together to concentrate. "Awooooo!" You howled.

Wyatt and Willa stared at you in surprise.

"Yeah," Wyatt said, smiling, "just like that."

Addison looked over at you smiling. The den erupted in a howled 'hello.'

"Enough. This is not why we brought them here." Willa said tiredly.

"Yeah... Uh... Why are we here?" Addison said to Willa.

Wyatt turned and grabbed a ball; it wasn't transparent like the normal crystal balls you were used to and it was shaped like a full moon. He held it up to a skylight in the ceiling. The moonlight glistened off the ball, projecting an image at the center of the den.

The light reflected an image of a girl with white hair, howling up into the night sky.

"I believe that you can lead us to the moonstone. I believe you're the Great Alpha. I believe you're a werewolf." Wyatt said, looking over to Addison.

She looked at him, completely shocked. "What?!"

You suddenly felt completely out of place. Like you weren't supposed to be there. And of course you weren't! The wolves had no idea you'd be at Addison's house tonight. Your mouth had grown dry; you swallowed.

"M-maybe I should go. I wasn't really supposed to be here anyways." You turned to leave.

Wyatt grabbed your hand. "No, wait. Stay, please." He said.

Every ounce of breath in your lungs escaped in that moment. You smiled weakly. "Okay."


Author's Note:

Sorry about not posting yesterday... Had to get in my community service hours for school.

And SORRY this chapter is a little short. I really didn't want to c/p the song rn.

But DON'T WORRY I'll have the next part up as soon as I can get it!

Thank you so much for being so patient with me; I appreciate each and every one of you <3

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