Chapter 14 - Attitude Adjustment

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Michelle. We held auditions for the pageant after school. The first round of guys was the cockiest, but most of them were well liked so they passed with flying colors. I caught Ryan by his locker to tell him about the next round of auditions. He looked like he had been trapped. "Hey," he said pulling out his books.

"We're having a male beauty pageant."

"I heard."

"You should try out."

"I'll pass."

"You have to! So far we have five pretty assholes."

"And you wanna make it six?"

"It's for Aleesia's grandmother. You can't say no to that."


I placed my palms together. "For me?"

Again, he said no, but it was wavering no. Not a solid, definitive no.

"Fine. Have a good afternoon, Ryan. Thanks a lot." I had no more words. Halfway through lunch, he came in and fell in the seat beside me. "Alright, I'll do the beauty pageant," he said. "For you."

I gave him a flyer which he snatched and left.

Ryan. When I got to Mrs. Crane's room for after school tutoring, I sat at the desk next to Meagan and all of her snacks. That's how I knew she was in her zone.

I said, "I'm trying out for the beauty pageant."

"Aw, you did always have the face of a beauty queen." She sipped from a straw sticking out of a glass bottle of fruit punch.

"Funny," I said. "Hey, speaking of beauty queens. What you wearing to homecoming?"

"Oh, you haven't won yet. We still got two weeks," she said holding up two fingers.

"I'm gonna win," I said grabbing one of her cookies.

"So what time are try outs?" she asked.

I checked my watch. "'bout ten minutes."

"Can I come?"

"Yeah, let's go."

We left the Algebra students with the Calc tutor for a while. He didn't typically fool with the likes of low level math students. Consequently, our algebra kids would go neglected for a while.

I scribbled my name on the sign in sheet and hopped up on the stage. Aleesia said, "Alright, we're just going to ask you a few questions. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?"

"It's come to my attention that my attitude is pretty messed up sometimes. So I would say my attitude. I would be more forgiving."

"I'm glad you know it." The sound came from the dark audience.

Blinded by the stage lights, I searched the audience for her voice. "Uh, I think your audience is a little out of control."

I could feel her smile. It energized me.

Romonica said, "Describe your perfect date."

"Sitting on the bridge in Lake City cracking jokes, talking, getting to know each other." I looked to my left at Meagan hanging in the doorway hissing the right answer. "Oh, am I supposed to say candlelight dinner or something like that?"

"Nah, keep it real baby. You good," Shay said. "Alright last question: Why do you think you should be Mr. Springs?"

I looked up at the stage lights before responding. They seemed to wink at me. "I think people should see the beauty in imperfection. I ain't no saint. Everybody know that—but I do try to be a decent person."

"Perfect, Ryan. Thank you."

I hopped off the stage and headed back to tutoring with Meagan. Michelle caught me in the hall. "Good job."

I fived her with my right hand just to fuck with her.

"Now give me ten."

She fived me with both her good and casted hand.

"Double peace sign."

She pushed me.

"Rock on," I said holding out my pinkies and thumbs.

She pushed me again.

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