Chapter 5 - First Impressions

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Michelle. I sat in the sunspot on my floor speed sewing the finishing embellishments on Baby's diaper bag. Mom announced that I had a call so I held the phone on my shoulder while I sewed.


His voice sent a jolt of electricity through me. I tried not to sound too excited. "Hey."

"Come hang out with me."

My smile was wide and uninhibited. "You acted like you didn't know me the other day."

"Come on. You know I'm crazy about you."

Intrigued, I maneuvered from the seat of my pants onto my stomach. "How would I know that?"

"Is it not obvious? Should I call you twice a day instead of once?"

All my excitement fell to the floor like New Year's Eve confetti. "Kevin, I am not going out with you."

"And I actually thought we were getting somewhere..."

"Not even."

"You should get to know me. You might be surprised."

I couldn't help but laugh at his delusions. "Okay Kevin."

"I'll pick you up at 3?"

"Sure Kevin."

"Alright, I'm going to hang up now."

"Ke—" I glanced at the phone. "Kevin!"

I couldn't even complain about the wait. He picked me up right on time. At the arcade, he introduced me to his friends that could suddenly see me after all those years of blocking the hallways like they were swept, mopped and waxed just for them the stand in. The girls were a little less friendly and they expressed it by ignoring me. Lewis asked me if I'd ever played laser tag.


"I hope you brought your elbow pads."

"In that case, I hope you brought your chin guard."

He grinned and slapped Kevin on the back with his monster hand. His best friend Dan stared me down while strapping on his equipment. He looked like a jacked up frat boy. "You're the high jump chick?"

"Long jump."



He nodded and let his eyes travel south. "Nice legs."

I raised an eyebrow as Kevin told me not to take Dan too seriously. "He's an arrogant prick."

I thought that was like the pot calling the kettle black but I shrugged it off. Kevin snuck up behind me and stole a couple kisses on the cheek while we were alone in the dark. Those few moments where he lost his focus, I picked up the points he was missing out on. Our results said I'd killed three more people than Kevin which got me brownie points from everybody on our team.

He threw his arm over my shoulder. "It's your lucky day. I always buy the winner lunch."

We had a moment alone while we ordered food so I asked him why everybody was being so nice.

"I told them to be cool."

"And walah, they straightened up, just like that that?"

A Teenage Love: A Coming of Age StoryWhere stories live. Discover now