Chapter 20 - Show Time

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Michelle. It was pageant day and all the boys would be strutting and flaunting their feathers for Springs. Dustin was in Wisconsin looking for something he had lost. I avoided his dad's calls as Dustin avoided mine. He was already two days past due and I was worried.

Silas had a deer in headlights look in his eyes when I rushed past his classroom on the hunt for K.D. I didn't have time to inquire. I had an hour to go over my questions with K.D. and I wasn't confident in his ability to appear humble and gracious. Silas called out to me the second time around. I had no expectations when I entered his teaching abode

"So today's the big day. How's it going?"


He pulled out a chair for me and I knew this wouldn't be a quick check in. He took a seat on his desk and wiped the sweat from his brow. I got a sinking feeling in my gut just as he asked, "Michelle, are you having sex?"

I didn't jump up immediately but the hairs on the back of my neck did. "No..."

He slowly walked around his desk and removed a box of condoms from the drawer. He then walked to the back of the classroom and closed the door while I stiffly faced the front. He took a seat on the desktop to my left. "Do you know how to use these?"

I stared at the single condom he had removed from the brand new box. He proceeded to remove the condom from its wrapper and slide it on to his two longest fingers. "See that?"

He removed it and tossed it in the trash. "Michelle, it is so easy," he began. "To become that girl. One incident and your reputation is ruined. Just like that. I've seen this happen over and over again. These kids will chew you up and spit you out."

I sucked in a deep breath.

"Are you being safe?"


"Are you sure?"

"I don't have to talk to you."

Yes, I pulled that card. The "you are not my father, you have no authority" card. And that fast, his steam became water. The fire in his eyes was replaced with disappointment. "You're right. You don't."

I bowed my head.

"I don't want to hear anybody talking about you like that."

"How do you know it's true?"

"Because I'm not an idiot. Because I have eyes and ears. I have a brain."

"Who said it?

"That's not important."

"Does my mom know?"

"Not yet. She will. When you talk to her." He slid into the desk and turned to me. I rolled my eyes.

"These next two years you need to focus on school and track. You need to focus on yourself."

He was right. I couldn't say I was one hundred percent certain about the choices I made. I couldn't say I was confident in my decisions.

"Promise me you'll be safe."

He gave me his pinky which I'd seen him do with his daughter several times before. We hooked fingers.

"I trust you," he said.

"You do?"

"Yes, of course."

Suddenly, I felt a whole lot lighter. I hugged him tight and he dropped a handful of condoms in my bag.

A Teenage Love: A Coming of Age StoryWhere stories live. Discover now