Chapter 4 - Take this L

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Michelle. I expected the Bench Warmer's blue Mustang to roll up around six so I could challenge him to a good ol' foot race. He was a Davenport athlete. He couldn't turn down a physical challenge. To my disappointment though, six thirty rolled around and I was still running solo.

I went from a brisk jog to a complete stop as Jordan and Cat walked up giggling like old friends. They had one sure thing in common. They both enjoyed the smell of Kevin's ass. I glanced over my shoulder for the Bench Warmer's Mustang as I started around the track again. They took up two lanes on the red top, blowing by me like I was part of the wind. I kept my eyes straight ahead and planned my exit.

When Kevin's white SUV rolled through unauthorized parking zones and parked in the center of the field, my heart thumped. They said he had everything from perfect attendance to a perfect penis. I didn't know about his attendance record or his genitalia, but one thing I could attest to was his perfect timing. He touched my elbow as he fell into a hard run with me. "Pace yourself."

I was running a lot faster than I realized so with reluctance and annoyance, I took his advice and slowed my steps.

"Stalking is still stalking no matter how tall and handsome you are."

"You think I'm handsome?" he said beaming. "Were you flirting with my back up yesterday?"

I couldn't believe he went back and reported on me like I was some suspect.

"He's QB2. My back up. My fill in, just in case I break a leg or sprain a knee."

"Got a hammer?"

The chatters and giggles behind me had all but come to a stop. It made me beam with delight. I would never confess it to His Arrogance, but I was glad he'd come to rain on their little hateful parade. They found joy in hating me and Kevin dropping in only fueled their envy.

"He spent four days out here. You should let him play."

"He's playing right now. If he's as good as they say, he just might take my spot."

"Imagine that."

"So let's get to it." Jordan was so invisible, he nearly backed right into her to find his mark on the track. "Miss Record Breaker, Eighteen and a Half Feet Consistently..." He was hyping me up.

"Somebody's done their research."

"Tag me. We should meet in the same place every time. If not, you're slow."

"Oh, this is my game." We got on our marks, facing opposite directions.

I clocked his pace and talked shit every time we slapped hands at our center. The girls, disgusted by our change of plans, stayed out of the way. Eight laps in and my legs were burning. I pushed to get to the meeting spot on time but I came up two meters short. He slapped my hand when I finally made it. "Good job."

"Damn you," I said holding my knees. I didn't want him to see me worn so I walked it off. He walked with me for a few moments. "Not a lot of people can keep up with me. I'm impressed."

Finally, tired of keeping the front, I collapsed on the asphalt. He laughed and checked me for a pulse.

"Guess I need to get to one of these games. I've always wanted to see a superhero in action."

"You won't be disappointed." He helped peel me off the ground. "I gotta get outta here. My position in jeopardy."


"Is that a warning?"


"I love competition."

A Teenage Love: A Coming of Age StoryWhere stories live. Discover now