Chapter 7 - Sibling Rivalry

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Michelle. I threw on a T-shirt and trotted to the front door, opening it just enough to say I'm busy.

"You wanna ride with us?"

"Ride with you where?"

"To Ryan's thing."

"Who invited you?"


"It's not Nadia's party."

"Stop being a bitch."

"Stop being a cock blocker! You just wanna come because you know I like him."

"Do you even know the kid? Do you know who you're talking to?"

He followed me to my room where I pulled out a nice halter.

"Do you?" he pressed.

"Juan, back off!"

"You're a fucking slut, you know that? I hope he cheats on your dumb ass."

I mushed his face as hard as I could. In retaliation, he started in on me again. "Still making homemade cards and shit like a fucking little kid. You know why I chose Nadia over you?"

"I don't care. Get out!"

"She doesn't act like a fucking twelve year old when I want my dick sucked. "You're..."

"Juan, stop!"


"Get out!"

By the time he finished in on me we were both in tears.

"Fuck it. Find your own ride." He stormed out leaving me hanging on to the wall for stability. I reached for the vase I made for Ryan's mom. It needed more roses and it had already dried and set. I cried like a baby because it wasn't right.

The doorbell rang over and over again. I took my time and got out all the tears before answering.

"What's up?" he asked patiently waiting outside the door.

"I was just finishing your mom's vase."

"You don't have to bring a gift. She already likes you," he said, amused.

"How did she like her birthday card?"

"She thought it dope."

"Are you just saying that?"

"What kind of asshole doesn't like a birthday card?"

I fell back on my bed and found a smile under my hurt feelings. He tried to shake me out of my dark cloud. "You alright?"

"I don't feel good."

"You should eat."

I picked at my fingernails. I needed new polish. "Did you tell anybody we had sex?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Juan knows."

"That's probably because of that extra pep in your step." He slapped my ass and held on to it. He could see that I wasn't in the mood so he inquired more. "What did he say?"

"If I tell you will you kick his ass for me?"

"Absolutely. What'd he say?"

I cracked up because he was dead serious.

"I wouldn't ask you to do that."

"You can though."

"Can you just slap him like a bitch one time?"

A Teenage Love: A Coming of Age StoryWhere stories live. Discover now