Chapter 24 - Back to the Start Line

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Ryan. It was bound to come out sooner or later. Nadia barged in and went straight for the back room. I called her name as calmly as I could. I didn't want a scene to play out in front of one of our most respectable customers. The Juan I used to work for wouldn't want that either. He was getting reckless with his indiscretions, more and more so every day. Nadia pushed the back door open and dove straight for Romonica's throat. I quickly thanked our loyal customer and rushed to the back and shut the heavy door in an attempt to block any eye sore that might be on the other side. That's how it was in my last semester of high school—high stress, low pay.

Tarrah did everything in her power to make my life hell, but it all seemed to fall directly on Michelle. While Meagan bottled everything up, Tarrah was the pop. Michelle was drenched with questions about our short lived sex life. The hallway chatter sucked the life out of her. She gave me the cold shoulder so we wouldn't seem so hot. My relentless support only gave people more fuel to shame her. So I kept my distance, but I resented it.

I landed in my usual seat just a minute before the bell. "Dustin Carr. What up, man?"

"Ah, same ol, same ol. I saw pictures from the beauty pageant. Absolutely stunning, bro. Absolutely stunning."

There was a tinge of discomfort in Dustin's compliments only because he was always so sincere. "Thanks man. What's up with you and Michelle?"

"She's a cunt."

"Dustin, come on..."

"No seriously. Tell her to eat a dick."

"She's having a hard time."

"Not my problem."

I turned all the way around in my chair. His blue stare was solid. And honest. "Alright. What did I miss?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yeah, it matters. She needs you."

"She doesn't need me. She has you."

I gave him some elbow room and started on my review packet. Kayla leaned over to peek at Dustin's book. "What page?"

"Two thirty four," he said.

"Two forty four," I muttered.

"Oh. Two forty four," Dustin said nonchalantly.

A few minutes later, she asked him, "What'd you get for number one?"

Knowing Dustin, he was probably sketching cartoons or some shit.

"I don't know. Ryan, what'd you get for number one?" he said absentmindedly.

"I don't know, Dustin. She's talking to you," I said kicking a hint in his direction.

"I'm no good at this stuff. You should ask someone else."

I got up abruptly, flipped his book to the right page and pushed his desk into Kayla's. "Give it a shot. You can work together," I said giving his back an encouraging smack.

I got back to my assignment.

"Did you really make this?" I heard her say.

"Yes," he said uncertainly. "Why?"

"It's cool."

Come on, Dustin. You always got something good to say. Now is the time to say it.

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