Chapter 21 - The Ghost of Christmas Past

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Michelle. From the kiss he laid on me, I could tell he was ready for celebration. Little did he know our celebration would have to be G-rated. Instead of busting his bubble on the spot, I took advantage of his good mood. "We should go check out Brandon's Christmas play. It's almost time for the second show."

He looked me in the eye and planted another kiss on me before putting the car into drive. The display case at the entrance was full of accolades for children no older than twelve for amazing talents like classical piano and ballroom dance. I pulled him along and we found seats front and center in Brandon's prep school auditorium. The chairs were brand new. I think we might have been the first ones to sit in them. The stage lights were bright; not a bulb missing. The carpet was deep red; no scuffs and no stains. The stage was decorated with wreaths and tinsel.

"You look gorgeous," he whispered.

Just the sound of his voice made me question my willpower. "I had a conversation with Silas earlier."

"About what?"



"He gave me condoms."

"Oh, about us."

"Yeah. I promised him I would be safe and he said he trusted me."

"Okay, that's a good thing right?"

"Well...I don't think my dad would be very proud of me for the decisions I've been making," I said. "So I decided I don't want to have sex anymore."

He covered his eyes and sank deep into his chair. "Oh my God."


Laura, Rodney, and Kevin eased into the theater seats after a hug and a kiss from each one. "I'm so glad you came!"

"This is my boyfriend. I don't think you've met him."

They shared an uncomfortable smile and a nod. Kevin was engrossed in his text conversation but I could feel his shade from two chairs down.

I noticed Ryan tense up immediately when Rodney took the seat beside him. He abruptly got up and headed toward the exit.

Ryan. I went to the back of the auditorium to watch from there. The kid came on stage in his green overalls and candy cane socks. He was something like an old school TV star, elongating his words and killing us with innocence.

"Everybody knows I loooooove Christmas!" he sang.

The audience roared at his one-liners. Halfway through the first scene, Leslie from the bowling alley brushed past me on her way to the restroom. She made sure I felt her presence. I caught her arm on the way back. Her beaming smile told me I had fallen right into her trap. I let her go and kept my eye on the stage and off the bear trap in row T. The play took me out of my world and back to the fantasy side of Christmas that I let go of way too soon. Michelle met me where I stood during the intermission. "You alright? I honestly didn't think Rodney would show. He's never around for stuff like this."

"It's all good," I assured her.

"They want to treat us to dinner. I told him you weren't feeling well so we wouldn't have to stay long..."
"For you," I said saving her of her persuasive speech.

She took my arm, draped it over her shoulder and finished watching in the back with me. Halfway through the second act, the audience patiently waited for the other kids to choke through their lines. I could tell everyone was anxious for star to return. A surge of energy followed as he strutted on stage with a present twice his body size.

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