Chapter 22 - Ice Breaker

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Ryan. I sat in the backseat listening to Rich's babbling. The fact that we were on our way to Rodney's changed my mood from bliss to piss in a matter of seconds. Rich just couldn't get it through his thick skull that nobody wanted to spend Christmas with Rodney. I was the kid and he was the broccoli. I could only imagine the feeling that passed through my mom's stomach when she looked at him.

I finally reached a breaking point with Rich and my words fell out like three bricks. "Rich. Shut. Up."

He checked me through the rearview. "Who invited The Grinch?"

I told my mom we didn't have to do this, that we could turn around and order take out.

"Why you trying to make this about her? You the one with the chip on your shoulder. Grow up."

"He didn't want shit to do with any of us! Now you wanna go and make him father of the year? You grow up."

"Stop," Mama said plainly.

There was a long, thick silence. Mama's voice finally cut through the tension as we pulled up in Rodney's long driveway. "I never wanted you to hate your father, Ryan. That was not my intention. I said things I never should have said around you..."

"You said what you said because he did what he did." I climbed out of the car and opened her door.

She felt my anger as I moved toward to the door. "You have to relax!"

"I am relaxed." But I was pushing the words through my teeth.

"Ryan," she said grabbing me and giving me her no nonsense glare. I clenched my teeth as rage bubbled up in my chest. Rich placed his hand on my shoulders. I was on the verge of an explosion and I didn't know how to control it.

"Get that shit off your chest," he commanded.

My breathing picked up. I was steaming.

"Do whatever you gotta do to let that shit go. You wanna box?"

My chest contracted.

"If you need to cry it's just you, me and God out here. Real shit...Excuse me Mama."

She put her hands up and stepped to the side.

"I need a minute," I said through my teeth.

"Take as long as you need."

They reluctantly left me where I stood. I did the only thing I knew to do at the time and called Michelle. "How did you forgive me?" I blurted. "For what I did?"

There was a long pause. She made a quiet promise to her loved ones that she would be right back. "Uh...I remember that everything happens for a reason. And that good things come from bad situations sometimes. Why are you thinking about this on Christmas Day?"

"I have to. Rich made me," I grumbled.

"Well, I love you."

"I love you too.

"And I forgive you."

She brought out a smile I didn't think I had in me at the time.

"Merry Christmas."

I entered the house quietly. Mom gave me a look that told me not to embarrass her.

"Are you all hungry?" Laura asked.

I wasn't really, but we all sat down with a plate. I passed on everything but the cake. Laura called to Brandon who was ramming his newly assembled monster truck into the wall. "Brandon, it's time to eat. Have a seat."

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