Chapter 5 - The Big Announcement ☆

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*Janelle's POV*

That night was amazingly awesome!! I still can't over the fact that I even 'met' One Direction, my idols. And when they came they looked so hot, especially Zayn. He's been always my favorite.

When the boys left, I was so happy, but I couldn't wait until Jay tells what happened between her Harry.

When she told me that Harry asked her to be his girlfriend, I was SO happy for her. Yes, I did love Harry, and yes I wish Zayn asks me that same question, but she's my best of friends. I love her so much like a sister the I never had. I know her better than anyone. And believe me, she's been through too many.

*Jaycee's POV*

I woke up to the sun rays beeming through the curtains. As I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes, I remembered yesterday. It was a night I would never forget. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and jumped into the shower letting the warm water run down my body.

I got out of the shower and I wrapped a towel around my body. As I sat on the dresser's chair my phone buzzed.

It was a text from Harry. I smiled when I saw his name on my screen and I started reading the text:

'Our interview's today, it will be on Channel 5 at 12:30 pm. Watch me! I'll call u later, BYE!! <3 xx'

Oh yea! They have an interview today, that's why they had to leave yesterday. I texted him back:

'Ok! :) xx'

I smiled to myself, thinking about how I became from a fan girl in the 1D Fandom, to Harry Styles' girlfriend. No one knew though, only the boys, Janelle, and possibly El and Dani. Gosh I couldn't wait until I meet them!

I put my blonde hair in a fishtail braid. I then put on some black leggings and a striped green and white hoodie. I took my phone and went to check on Janelle.

"Who ya textin'?" I asked in a funny way.

"One of your boyfriend's best mates." She smiled.

"And who shall that be? Lemme guess, Zayn Malik?" I said narrowing my eyes.

"Yup! You got it." She said popping the 'p'. "Did Harry tell you about their interview at 12:30?"

"Mhmm." I replied.

"I can't wait, Zayn said they're announcing something. Something important." She told me.

What announcement? Harry didn't tell me anything. I examined my bestie's eyes and I instantly knew she was hidding something from me.

"Let the cat out of the bag, Jan!" I said.

"I can't, wait and see." She said grinning mysteriously.

-------------------- At 12:30 --------------------

"TIME FOR THE INTERVIEW!" Janelle cheered and I did a happy dance.

We went on sat on the couch, starring at the TV.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome today's guestes, ONE DIREEECTIOON!" The interviewer said.

Loud Screams of teanagers and claps filled the room from the crazy audience. Then the boys started walking in while the song One Thing played in the background.

Then the interview just went on regularly, with boys being asked about how they get together, how they enjoy their career, what they feel about the crazy fans, and how performing in front of the SOO MANY people feel like. Then it was the regular Twitter questions.

"Now boys, it's time for the question everyone is waiting for, which also includes your announcement." The interviewer smiled. "So, who is taken, and who is single?" The man asked with a curios look.

"Well, well, well, 3 of us are taken, and two are single." Liam smiled.

"Well, we know you and Louis are taken, right?" The man asked and the boys nodded their heads."So who's the third, boys? Say it!"

All the boys chuckled, and Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn chorused, "HAZZA!"

The screaming got really loud that I had to lower the TV's volume!

"So that's the announcement, guys. But we still gotta know a little about her!" The interviewer said, and once again loud screams filled the room. "Mr. Styles, would you mind telling us what she looks like, her name, how you guys met, and facts about her?"

"Well," Harry started, making me nervous. "Her name is Jaycee Alvarez. She is 18 years old. She has medium length wavy hair, she's 5'4", and she's skinny. I met her Starbucks, and I gave her my number because I fell for her at first sight. And just yesterday the lads and I were at her's and her friend's flat for dinner. Long story short, I love her with all my heart!" Harry said blushing.

The audience went wild and the interview ended.

His last sentence made feel like I'm on top of the world! He said he loves me, and of I love him too. I felt my eyes tearing and I was happier than ever!!

"AWWWWW! He's so cute isn't he?" Jan asked smiling widely, and I smiled as well. "I'm so happy for you Jay! I really am! You deserve every great thing on this planet." She hugged me tightly. I'm truly thankful that I have her in my life, she's an awesome friend!

"Thank you, Jan! I love you so much!!" I said while hugging her back.

My phone then starting busy, indicating that someone was calling. I looked at the caller ID, and it said 'Harry ♥' I smiled and answered.

"Hello?" I started.

"Hey beautiful! How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you?"

"I'm totally fine. Did you see the interview?"

"Yes! Yes I did!"

"Did you watch the whole thing?"

"Yup! And I have one thing to tell you, Harry."

"And what is that?"

"I love you too, with all my heart."

"You just made my day!"

I then heard Paul saying they gotta go somewhere.

"Well, it seems like I have to go, Jay. Sorry. I'll call you later, love ya!"

"It's ok Hazza. Love ya too!!"

I hung up feeling happy as ever. I loved Harry, and our story was just about to begin!


HAAYYY GUYS, HAAAYY! So this was Chapter 6. :) Please leave me your feedback. Thank you all so much forthe 63 reads and the 10 votes!! ♡♡♡ Now 13+ votes and 1 more comment for chapter 6, I know u guys can do it! :D Xxxxx

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