Chapter 11 - Gone or Still Alive?

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*Jaycee's POV*

Since I woke up I haven't been feeling well. No I'm not late, no I'm not sick. I'm just feeling so.. so lite headed for some reason. I just don't feel well. My head's pounding so hard, and I feel cold.

Now I'm not in the mood for anything. I'm just laying on the couch, while resting my head on Harry's head.

"You feeling any better, love?" Harry whispered in my ear while stroking my hair.

"No." I said looking up at him.

"Would you like me to do anything for you? Anything to eat or drink" He said, and then lightly kissed my forehead.

"No, thanks. Just stay here with me, please." I pleaded resting my still hard pounding head on Harry's chest, again.

Harry kissed my the top of my head, and wrapped one arm around my body, and continued stroking my hair with the other.


It's around 6 pm now and I'm feeling the same as this morning, but only worse.

We're all gathered in the living room. And I'm sitting across Harry's laps while he's sitting on one of the comfy chairs. I have my arms loosly wrapped around his torso, while his arms are wrapped around my body, making me feel safe.

"Jay, hun would you like anything?" Eleanor asked me.

"No, thanks."

"How are you feeling?" Niall asked.

"I don't know. I just feel so tired, cold, and lite headed." I replied.

"But are you feeling any better than this morning?" Asked me Janelle.

"No. I actually feel worse."

"Love, you can't just stay like this." Louis said.

"Yeah, we need to get you checked." Zayn said, and Danielle agreed with him.

"I'll be fine guys, don't worry." I told them.

"Jaycee you can't just tell us not to worry. You've been like this since this morning and you got worse. Plus you haven't eaten anything at all. You're scaring me." Liam said.

"But I'm just not hungry. "

"That's it. We're calling a doctor." Harry said.

"But-" I started.

"No Jay, no buts. I'm calling the doctor now." Danielle said and got up before I could argue.

"He'll be here in 45 minutes." Dani announced walking back in the room and sitting next to Liam.

I'm actually feeling even worse now. My heads pounding harder than ever and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I feel so cold. Whats this?

"Harry, I - Im feeling even worse. My eyes, I'm struggling to keep them open." I whispered.

"No, Jaycee! Please! Please stay awake. Keep your eyes open.Jaycee please!" Harry said and I felt them all getting up and and gathering around me.


I couldn't help it. My eyelids feel so heavy.

I slowly felt my eyes closing and I felt myself go into pitch black darkness. The sounds of Harry and the others started fading in the background, as the darkness I was in got deeper and deeper. What's going on?


*Harry's POV*

"Jaycee! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! PLEASE! JUST FOR ME JAYCEE!" I shouted as I saw her eyelids getting heavy.

In seconds her eyes were closed, her skin was cold, her lips were turning purple.. is she gone? What happened?

"GO CALL THE BLOODY DOCTOR SOMEONE!" Niall exclaimed while I just stared at Jaycee's small body in my arms, the tears streaming down from my eyes.

Liam rushed out to go reach the doctor, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see Zayn.

"Is she gone, Zayn?" I whispered as more tears streamed from my eyes.

Zayn reached and put his hand in front of Jaycee's nose.

"She's alive, Harry. Think for the better." Zayn said conforting me.

I just nodded my head in reply and looked around at everyone and found them all crying.

I turned my gaze back at Jaycee..... please God, please make her stay alive, you know I can't live without her..

Couple of minutes later and Liam came back in the room, "He said he'll be here in less than 5 minutes."


The doctor came and he's still checking on Jaycee.

OH! Thank God he's finally done.

"She's still alive." He said, "but I hate to tell you that she's in a coma."

"W-what?" I asked.

"A coma?" Louis said confused.

"Why?" Janelle asked.

"We can say that there are two reasons that Ms. Alvarez has gone into coma. One is due to the small amount of food her body receives which is caused by stress."

"Stress?" We all asked in unison.

"Yes. She has been stressed for some reason and that caused her to eat small amounts of food, which led to the coma she's currently in."

"Can she hear us?" Eleanor asked.

"Nobody knows that, but 95% of the times the person in a coma cannot hear or feel anything or anyone around them."

"How long will she stay in this coma?" I asked.

"Not longer than 2 weeks." He said smiling, "any more questions?"

"Thank you doctor." Niall said and led him out the door.

I took Jaycee's small cold body in my arms, and I couldn't help but cry. My crys weren' t loud, they were soundless and so quite.

'Please Jesus, please, let her wake soon.' I whispered so quietly.


So that was Chapter 11! 35+ votes for the next chapter. Love u all :)


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