Chapter 3

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Steve's P.O.V
It was sunset, we all agreed to meet up at the watergate, well the gate at lover's lake. I had Robin in the car with me since Nancy had the others. "Don't worry Steve. We'll find him. And if he's under Vecna's control we'll find a way to bring him out of it." Robin said positively. I smiled at her and continued driving. The rest of the way was quiet, the comfortable silence was accompanied by the soft hum of the engine, Robin was looking out of the window. As we pulled up we saw a van parked on the side of the road, I recognised it as Eddie's van, he must've gotten here already.

Robin and I stepped out the car and walked through the woods, reaching the mouth of the lake, but to my surprise Eddie wasn't there. "That's weird. Eddie should be here if his van is." I said to Robin confused. She just shrugged and we continued to look around. Then behind me I heard a sharp whoosh sound. The sound of soggy shoes walking towards me threw me off guard. "I'm right here big boy. Don't go missing me yet." A familiar voice said, his voice sweet like honey. I turned around and saw Eddie soaked from head to toe. He had his wings exposed, which were also dripping with water, I crossed my arms in my infamous mom pose. "Eddie did you seriously go for a swim? With your wings?" I said, my eyebrow arched. He just nodded and shrugged. "Well I had to come and check on the gate. Ya know just in case it was closed, it's not by the way, and I wanted to see if my wings could propel me. But turns out it's harder to swim with wings than I originally thought." He recapped. I smiled and hugged him. I didn't care if he was drenched I just loved his care for Dustin. We really are like the parents.

After about 20 minutes the others showed up, the Byers, the Wheeler siblings, Eleven and even Lucas this time. "Ah Sinclair, it's about time you finally showed up." Eddie said, his hands in his pockets, Lucas sheepishly waved. "Hey Eddie. It's good to see you again, and the rumours are true, your a vampire." Lucas said carefully. Eddie smiled and willed his wings away. "Ok so now that everyone is here, I'll lay down a quick plan. Four of us will go on the boat and the rest can stay on the shore just in case anything goes wrong. The group going will be me, Robin, Steve and Eddie, since we've all been there together already, and we might need Eddie and Steve in case something happened with Dustin." Nancy analysed. Eddie and I shared a knowing look, but Johnathan took notice. "Everything ok you two? Did something happen?" Eddie and I sighed, and continued to tell them our thoughts and theories about the possibility that Dustin could have been turned. "So wait, your saying that Dustin could be a vampire or a werewolf now? Why would Vecna even want that to happen?" Will asked. Eddie and I just shrugged, worry evident on our faces. "We aren't sure, maybe it's a luring tactic, maybe it's a false alarm. I have no clue." I said unknowingly. "Well if you two are right we need to get going like right now" Robin said quickly. Nancy, Eddie and I all nodded and climbed into the small boat, leaving the rest of the group in the woods.

The four of us were all in the boat, waiting until we were directly above the gate, Nancy holding the compass we had indicating where we were, the needles going insane. "This is the spot. It's the highest pull of energy." She announced. Robin grabbed the walkie and spoke into it. "Ok we've parked just above the gate, I'm going to scout ahead and check if anything's there." The other three of us violently shook our heads, the others on shore had other ideas though. "Ok if your sure, just be careful Robin, we don't want another one of us being turned into a monster. No offence Eddie and Steve." Mike said in the walkie. Eddie and I shrugged and spoke at the same time. "None taken." Nancy turned to Robin, fear evident in her eyes. "Rob you are not going down there alone! You remember what happened last time right?!" "I know, but I promise I'll be ok. If I get dragged I know you'll come find me." She said reassuring us all. We hesitatingly nodded and she dove into the water.

After a long 2 minutes the water bubbled and a head bobbed. The three of us screamed startled. Robin appeared next to our boat, holding on for support. "I think we're safe, none of the bats were near the gate!" She said. We all sighed in relief, then that relief turned to panic. Robin started to get pulled under the water, she let go of the boat and descended under the water. "SHIT ROBIN!" Nancy shouted, she made no hesitation and jumped right after her, Eddie and I shifted and dove under right after Nancy. As we entered the upside down a group of demobats were attacking Robin, biting into her, Nancy grabbed an ore and threw the bat off of Robin. I became a wolf and threw myself at the bats, using my paws to tear them apart, Eddie willed his wings out and started to hypnotise the remaining bats to lure them away.

"I thought you said there wasn't any bats around!" Eddie shouted. Nancy was helping Robin up, supporting her weight. "I swear there wasn't any when I looked! It's like they came out of nowhere! Nothing else could've lured them here!" Robin said panicked. I bent down and offered her to ride on my back, she nodded in thanks and hopped on carefully. As she did Eddie flew close to us, his eyes widened in fear. "Shit. They injected you with their venom. The venom that made me this." He gestured to himself. She started to panic. "SHIT SHIT! EDDIE PLEASE HELP ME!! YOU CAN'T LET ME TURN PLEASE!!" Eddie put his hands out in an attempt to calm her down. "It's ok! I can try to suck the venom out but it will hurt ok? Just stay very still." He told her calmly. I felt her move gingerly as she positioned herself where the bites were. "Luckily for you they only injected you with venom once. So only one spot has it. Now stay still." He said relived. He poured a little hypnosis in his voice making her obey. I felt her do a feeble nod and then she let out a pained cry, warm blood dripped down my fur, then there was silence.

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