Chapter 7

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Steve's P.O.V
We all stood in the kitchen in shock. Max had woken up from her coma. "How?! Is she ok?" I asked desperately into the radio. "I-I don't know! My mom got a call from her mom and said she was told from the hospital she just woke up! She can't see and she can't move but other than that her vitals are normal." Lucas said in between tears. "We're on our way!" Dustin said through the radio. I turned it off and handed it to Dustin, who proceeded to stuff it in his bag. "We need to be quick, as much as I would love to see red again, it's almost midnight. Just in case your forgetting." Eddie rationalised. He was still wearing his torn Metallica shirt from when he helped Robin, his hair still tied in a messy ponytail. I couldn't get over how hot he looked like that, but I noticed something on his waist, the scars from the demobats biting him. I still had mine too, which should've healed but they never did, they just scarred. I'll have to tell him about it later, right now we had to check on Max. "Henderson, how do you want to get there? Drive...or fly?" I asked him, a small smile tugged at my lips. He smirked at me, then to Eddie who definitely read his mind, smirking back. The both of them willed their wings out. "Is that a rhetorical question?" Henderson said, still smirking. They both walked out the door and they took off into the sky. "What about me?!" I called out to them. "You can run can't you Steve?" Eddie playfully called back. I rolled my eyes and transformed, my wolf paws pounding against the forest floor.

As we reached the hospital I saw Eddie and Dustin perched on a windowsill to a room I could only assume was Max's. I leaped up to the closest window and continued to pounce up the building until I reached the room, Eddie and Dustin helping me up, as least they can help me with climbing. I slightly growled at them both for leaving me stranded. Eddie smirked at me. "Sorry big boy, you gotta fend for yourself sometimes, I can't always pick you up you know." He said playfully. I rolled my eyes and just looked at the room in front of me, luckily only the others were in the room, no nurses or whatever. There was Lucas by Max's bed, holding her bandaged hand, all three Byers were in the room in a group hug, hopper and eleven next to them. "No wheelers?" Eddie asked. "Unfortunately no, their parents wouldn't let them see her after midnight, especially on a school night. But enough of that, you must be Eddie. It's a pleasure to meet you, wings and all." Joyce Byers said kindly, she offered a hand to Eddie, he shook hers in thanks. "You too, your young one over there, will? He's an incredible D&D player, not a bad DM either. He made an exceptional addition to hellfire this past month." Eddie praised. Will smiled embarrassed. "That's great to hear!" Joyce said pleased. "And you must be hopper, heard you died a hero, whatever happened to the whole death part?" Eddie said holding out a hand for hopper to shake. Hopper smiled and shook his hand. "Same goes for you. Guess we both beat deaths ass." Hopper said confidently. Eddie smiled in return. "Don't forget about the reason your here." A sassy voice said behind us.

We all turned to see Max, her red hair covered her shoulders, wearing a hospital gown. Lucas hugged her gently. "I'm so so happy your ok! Well, at least healthy." He said softly. She smiled at him. "It's ok Lucas, I probably can't see or move my legs but hey, at least I'm breathing. I think the doctors said that maybe one day I could walk again but I will be blind for the rest of my life." She said, slightly positive. I felt awful, I couldn't help but want to help her, I've heard of people being healed if they were bitten by a supernatural creature but that had to be in myths. couldn't it? "Um Max? I don't know if Lucas told you, or if you could even hear him during your coma or anything, but-." Eddie started but Max interrupted him. "Yeah it's ok, I know, you and Steve aren't exactly human. Your a vampire, and he's a werewolf. Is he here?" She asked. I nodded but remembered she couldn't see me, so I went up to her side and laid my wolf head on her bed. "Oh. Nevermind, he's here, do you mind if I pet you Steve?" She asked surprised at the sudden movement. In response I gently moved my head to her hand, allowing her to pet me. "I'll take that as a yes." She said. "Oh wow, your fur is so soft, it's like patting a soft rug." My tail wagged in appreciation.

"Ok I think it's time we say something, it's not just me and Steve that aren't exactly human, there's one more." Eddie said carefully. I stepped away from max and transformed into myself again. Brushing off any fur left on my clothes. "Wait really? Who?" She asked curiously. Dustin sighed and stepped forward. "It's me, I'm a hybrid. Part werewolf, part vampire and part human." He said slowly. "Oh my god, Dustin that's awesome! Unless it's not? Does this have to do with Vecna too?! Lucas told me what happened with Steve and Eddie so I can only assume that's the reason." She analysed. Henderson nodded, and relayed the entire situation to her.

The room was silent for a little bit, then max spoke up. "Ok, so how do we stop him?" She said determined, Lucas looked at her like she was insane. "Wait wait 'we'? Oh no, NO! You aren't helping stop him! You still need to heal from that bastards curse on you!" He demanded worried. "Lucas I have to help! You can't keep me from helping just because I'm disabled now! I can still help!" She countered. "Lucas she's right, she's been under his curse so she can help in her own way." El said backing her up. Max smiled in appreciation. "NO! She can't! Look I know she's been through it but that's exactly why we can't let her help! She might still be a target for Vecna to use! I already lost her I'm not losing her again!" He said, tears welling in his eyes.

"Lucas I know how you feel, trust me I do. Eddie and I both do. But you need to let her help. She could be a vital role in all of this." I said to the panicked boy calmly. He sighed and nodded. "Your right, she should help, we can't just exclude her. When can you get out of the hospital?" He said to max. "As soon as I get my tests back. If everything's ok I can leave. I'll be in a wheelchair and I'll need a blind pole but other than that I'll be fine." She said. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Joyce? Are you in there? I wanted to ask you if you've seen my little dusty anywhere! Karen told me you were here so I decided to come and ask you while you were here. Can I come in?" A woman's voice sounded from behind the door, sounding like she had been crying. Dustin's face fell in horror. "Shit! It's my mom."

Connections - Sequel to Interactions - Vampire Eddie & Werewolf Steve - SteddieWhere stories live. Discover now