We got this!

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"Go shrimpy", "go shrimpy!" The whole cheer team cheered while running up the field towards their mascot shrimpy, who is... take a guess... a shrimp.

"Cheer camp! Even more sparkly than I  dreamed!" Bree squealed to her two friends before she started running up to the shrimp as well.

"Ugh, why do these uniforms have to be so pink and shiny? Couldn't they be black and purple or something?" Yep, that's Vanessa. Addison's best friend who has negative thoughts to almost everything that has to do with cheerleading and bright colors. Most of the people in town think this girl is weird, because of the two platinum white stripes in her hair, and they usually stay away from her because of her attitude. Yeah, she is not the nicest person when it comes to talking to random people she doesn't know, but her friends know that she actually is a great person when you get to know her, and that's what matters to her.

The only reason she agreed to go to cheer camp was that Addison practically begged her. Well, that and the fact that she had nowhere to stay while Addison was gone. Vanessa basically lived with Addison and her parents, but because Addison was the only person who knew about the dick of a person her father was, she couldn't ask to stay so long at any of her other friends' house.

So now she was here, at cheer camp, with Addison, Bree, the cheer team and a lot of (in her opinion) nasty colors.

"Split up!" Oh yeah, that's Bucky. The cheer captain but also Addison's idiotic cousin. Bucky has had a crush on Vanessa since forever, but he is not very good expressing it in a good way, and with Vanessa's attitude he is not getting very far either.

A whistle blows and the team splits up just in time for Bucky to make his big entrance which is an araber backflip (I think that is what it's called? At least that's what you call it where I'm from).

The team except for Vanessa cheers for him for a few seconds before he makes them shut up by doing som moves with his hands.

"You've all heard the stories of bloodthirsty monsters who roam these woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders." He starts. And right then Bucky's little minions, also known as the Aceys, jumps up from behind Bree and Bonzo, scaring them so they hug each other before pulling away awkwardly.

"Well, those stories are just silly make believe. But you better believe we're gonna break you down and build you up into peppy little cheer machines like..." Bucky continued before this blonde Acey stepped forward kicking her leg up to her head earning an applause from the team. "Lacey!" Bucky presented her. Another Acey stepped forward. "Stacey!" More applause. "And our most recent Acey, JC!" He did a backflip and after the applause he turned to Bucky saying "I'm Kevin".

That made Bucky's big smile turn into a frown before JC/Kevin continued nervously with "..Right. We changed my name to JC, which I love by the way." He stepped away embarrassed. "Long live the Aceys!" Bucky started another round of applause. Then he pointed to his minions "you three lead the veterans, you're the A-team. Addison, Vanessa, Bree, you take the newbies. You're the, uh, you're the Z-team." Addison nodded before dragging Vanessa over to their team.

"Hey, hey! Ho, ho! This demolition has got to go!" Eliza yelled to the workers at Seabrook power, while Zed walked up beside her. "They can't tear it down, Zed" "Seabrook power hasn't worked for years." Zed tried to reason with, but Eliza continued with "It's an important part of Zombie heritage." "This is progress, Eliza. And now we can even go to prawn. It's gonna be epic!" But Eliza wouldn't listen. "I'm loud and proud to be a Zombie." She yelled to the workers again. "Sometimes to loud" Zed mumbled. Eliza turned to him again before saying "I dream of a day we ditch our z-bands and let our inner monsters roar." She turned around again and roared at the workers before Zed pulled her out of there.

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