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Vanessa rang the bell signaling that the Z-team had won.

"Ugh, Z-team wins" Bucky groaned, while the Z-team laughed and cheered.

Both teams went over to Bucky, the A-team completely covered in dirt and the Z-team with beaming faces.

"Aceys, disappointing. You can't be scared to get those jazz hands dirty." He started before sighing and handing the Cheer Camp Cup over to Addison and Vanessa. "The Cheer Camp Cup is yours"

Well, that didn't last long. Addison and Vanessa hadn't even gotten a grip on the trophy before Bucky took it back.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now let's make this victory about me." Vanessa groaned. She couldn't wait to get away from Bucky and his self-centered self. "I've decided to be school president this year. Now, technically there's an election, but come on." He got some disapproving looks from the other cheerleaders. "Which means we'll need a new cheer captain while I rule the school. Who's worthy to lead?"

"Me! Me! What do you mean? It's me! Me!" The Aceys said while jumping in excitement.

Bree looked at Addison and Vanessa like she had the best plan in the universe, and then she spoke up "No! No, no, no, no. We... we need captains that's going to build an united squad. Someone that works well together. Someone like Addison and Vanessa!"

Vanessa knew how much Addison wanted to be cheer captain, and she had to agree that they did work well together. But she also had to think about what she wanted. "Thanks Bree, but I wasn't even planning on being a part of the team this year. I'm sure Addison will do great as a captain without me."

Addison's smile turned into a frown. "What? Vanessa, we've always been doing cheer together, and you were with me when I first fell in love with the sport. You can't leave the team." Bree and Bonzo nodded in agreement at Addison comment.

Vanessa thought about it for a few seconds before replying with "Fine, I won't leave the team." The smiles came back on Addison, Bree and the zombies' faces. "But I am not going to be captain." She added while pointing her finger at Addison. "Deal!" Addison agreed.

"Addison! Addison! Addison!" The team cheered for her. Well... most of the team. The Aceys was just standing there covered in dirt with disappointment written over their faces.


Cheer camp was over and Vanessa was finally on her way back to Seabrook. She sat alone on the bus with Addison and Bree behind her. She wasn't very comfortable with a shrimp driving the bus, but there was nothing she could do about it so she tried not to think about it.

"Ugh, I can't wait to get back and put on some more comfortable and... less sparkling clothes." Vanessa thought out loud, making her two friends roll their eyes while laughing silently at her hatred towards the team outfits.

"Yes! I got invited to Prawn!" This random boy yelled out to his friends. The whole bus cheered and congratulated him, and Bree turned to Addison.

"Well, getting invited to Prawn sounds great, but Bonzo won't even look at me." They turned to se Bonzo quickly look away and down in his lap where he had been carving out Bree's face in an apple. He turned it around to show the letters that said 'I 🤍 Bree'.

Then Vanessa got an idea so she turned to Bree with an exciting smile. "Bree! You don't have to go to Prawn, we can skip it together!" Addison had tried to convince Vanessa to go to the Prawn but it was no use.

Bree gave her a small smile "Thanks Vanessa, but I want to go anyway."

Suddenly Bucky sat down in the seat beside Vanessa and slid an arm around her. "Yeah, and you're going too. With me." He winked at her, before she removed his arm and tried to stay as far away from him as possible in the small seats they were sitting in. "No, I'm not." This made Bucky groan and walk back to his original seat.

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now