Flesh and bone

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AN: I just found out that I forgot a part in the last chapter. It's no big deal, it's just when Willa tells the pack that they have to stop them from destroying the moonstone. So, yeah. Now you know that.

The next day, Vanessa got weirder stares than she use to get. People had finally gotten used to the fact that she dressed different, but this was something new.


"Look at her!"

"She looks amazing!"

"Look at what she's wearing!"

"That is a fresh look!"

Everyone was commenting on the girl's new look. Some people were positive surprised, while some were negative. The Aceys were on the negative side.

"Woah! Bad hair day?" Lacey asked as she and the other two stood up.

"Bad hair life?" Stacey corrected.

Vanessa stepped closer to the trio. "I think it looks great."

"Yeah, not so much." JC said before the Aceys snapped their fingers.

"Vanessa, if you ever expect to still be on the cheer team..." Lacey was interrupted by Vanessa.

"Well, I don't. Cheer isn't for me anymore. It never was."

The Aceys let out an offended gasp before running of, leaving Vanessa with a grin.

"Nessa!" Zed came running up to his best friend. "I was up all night thinking. You're not a werewolf, you can't be."

"But I love moonlight strolls. And have you looked at me? I've always been different from everyone in this town." Vanessa replied.

"Yeah, you like sunsets too. That doesn't mean you're a vampire."

"Zed..." Vanessa tried but Zed cut her of.

"Look. It's really hard being considered a monster. Trust me."

Vanessa looked Zed in the eyes. "All I've ever wanted is to find my pack. And now I finally have." She opened the box and gave it to Zed to show him the moonstone necklace. "When I see the wolves, I'm going to put this on. And I'm really sorry I can't make the debate, but I need to find the wolves."

Vanessa gave her zombie-friend a hug. "Good luck."

She started to walk away, before remembering something and turning back to Zed.

"Whoops, almost forgot." She took the box with the necklace back. "You'll do great, Zed."

And with that, she walked of to become a werewolf.

"All right, we don't have much time. This is how we sabotage the demolition and stop them." Wyatt and Willy were showing the pack a map of Seabrook Power.

Apparently, Willa didn't like that someone other than her was in charge. "It's my responsibility to make sure we're all safe. We follow my lead."

"It's a good plan Willa." Wyatt told his sister.

"What plan?"

The pack turned to see Vanessa walking up to them.

"We're going after the moonstone. Top secret. You can't tell anyone." Wynter said proudly, before realizing what she had done. "Bad wolf, bad wolf!"

"You're going after the moonstone now?" Vanessa asked the pack surprised.

Wyatt looked down at the girl. "It won't survive the detonation."

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now