Call to the wild

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After the fight with Zed, Vanessa went over to Addison's house because they were gonna do homework together. And it wasn't a good idea to be home, thinking of her father who was really drunk at the moment.

"Ugh, why do I have to do this homework? I doubt I will ever need this in the future." Vanessa complained to her best friend.

Addison stood up. "Come on, just try to find the answer. I'm making us some hot chocolate."

"And I'm texting Bree. This is hopeless." Vanessa took out her phone and texted Bree for help.

Addison was still on the kitchen when there was a loud scraping sound coming from outside.

The first thought that came to Vanessa's mind was that it could be Zed that wanted to apologize.

"I don't think Zed makes that sound." The girl pointed out to herself.

It didn't seem like Addison had heard the sound, so Vanessa went to check it out by herself. There was no one in sight outside, but when she turned to look at the door, there was marks that looked exactly like the ones the wolves made on the lockers at school.

And just as Vanessa had thought, when she turned to look back at the street, the werewolves was standing there.

"Vanessa?" Wyatt asked confused.

Wynter looked at Willy with questioning eyes. "I thought you said Addison lived here?"

"She does." Vanessa said before Willy could answer. Instead he said something else.

"What's happened to your hair?" He were referring to the white part of her hair that was now a lot more than two stripes.

"Maybe it could be her instead? This has to mean something." Wyatt whispered to his sister.

Willa seemed to think for a while before speaking up. "Come with us."

Vanessa crossed her arms. "What's so important?"

"You are." Wyatt said, making a grin form on Willy's face.

Despite Addison being inside not knowing anything about this, Vanessa decided to follow the wolves into the forbidden forest.

She walked alongside Wynter, with Willa, Wyatt and Willy in the front. After some time of silent walking into nowhere, the girl decided to ask what she was wondering.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a wolf secret. If we told you, we'd have to kill you." Wynter responded before looking up at Willa and Wyatt who had disappointed looks on their faces.

"Too much, too much, I knew it." Wynter suddenly became very stressed. "Sorry, Welcome!" She welcomed Vanessa with open arms, and then looked at Willa who now gave her brother a look of annoyance for the wolf with buns on her head. "But not too welcome!" Wynter tried to correct herself.

She hissed at Vanessa who was very confused. The yellow in Wynter's eyes soon turned green and she started coughing.

"Are you okay?" Vanessa put a hand on the wolf's shoulder.

Wynter looked at her with sad eyes. "My necklace is losing its charge."

"Every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose their power." Wyatt started, making the two girls look at him. "All of our elders are too sick to travel, which leaves..." he got cut of by his sister.

"...which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me."

She walked over to Wynter and put a hand on her other shoulder. "You'll be fine, Wynter. I promise." The alpha turned her head to her brother again. "You'd better be right about this. We need to find the moonstone soon."

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now