One for all

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Wyatt stared at the girl in front of him with wide eyes before slowly walking over to her.

"Wow." Was all he could say at first.

After a few seconds of dead silence, Wyatt spoke up again. "Vanessa, please just listen. I know that there is nothing I can say to make it up for what I said, but I want you to know that I never wanted to hurt you. I was so caught up in the whole moonstone thing, that I didn't think about what I said. And you have every right to hate me, but I need to tell you that you're the most amazing, beautiful, funny, and sometimes the scariest person I've ever met."

He took a deep breath before continuing with the last part. "I really really like you Vanessa."

Wyatt looked at Vanessa with nothing but hope, before eventually turning around and starting to walk away when he didn't get any response.

Although, he didn't get far as he felt a hand on his shoulder turning him around. Before he could even process what was happening, he felt Vanessa pull him down into a sweet, yet passionate kiss. When it went up for Wyatt what was happening, his hands grabbed her waist and he immediately kissed her back.

As they pulled away after a few seconds, they looked in each other's eyes with big smiles plastered all over their faces.

Their moment was suddenly interrupted when they heard Willy's frantic voice cut in. "Okay, that's it! I can't hold this back anymore! What the heck?!"

Vanessa looked extremely confused about this. She looked at the wolf who had now pushed his best friend away and stood in front of the girl.

When no one said anything else, Willa came up to explain what she as well was surprised to have found out.

"Vanessa... the half moon mark on your upper arm, it's the same as Willy's." The new wolf still didn't get what was so special about this. Every werewolf had markings. Was it so uncommon to have matching?

Willa continued as she saw the confusion on Vanessa's face. "Since you just became a wolf, you probably don't know this. But matching marks can only mean one thing. You and Willy are twins."

"What?" Vanessa exclaimed when she heard the last word. Even though she could never have expected this, it kinda made sense. Her mother always loved the woods, and she used to tell her daughter stories about werewolves all the time.

After some time processing it all, the girl let out a silent "wow." And before she knew it, she was engulfed in a big hug by her new brother.

They pulled away and Willy and Willa left Wyatt and Vanessa just as a familiar slow song started playing. The couple started dancing slowly while looking in each other's eyes. A few meters away, you could see the same scene with a girl and a zombie.

You're from the perfect paradise
And I'm living on the darker side

Ooh, I had a feeling
If you got to know me

Right from the start you caught my eye
And something inside me came to life

Ooh, I've got a feeling
Now you really know me

All four:

Vanessa and Addison:
This could be, this could be ordinary

All four:
Could we be something extraordinary

Wyatt and Zed:
You and me side by side

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now