We own the night!

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"Werewolves are real! I always, always said the stories of monsters in the forest was real. And no one believed me." Bucky said dramatically to the Aceys in this big hall, while everyone was waiting for information about the werewolves.

"I thought werewolves were just myths" Stacey said, referring to what Bucky told everyone at cheer camp.

"Yeah, like cavities." JC began before his smile turned into a look of horror. "Those are real too?"

"Werewolves, ew. I really hope my allergies don't act up." Lacey cut in, her tone disgusted.

And of course, Zoey being the cute, little zombie-girl she is, started begging her father to get her a werewolf.

"Please, can I have one? I'm the only zombie in my class. A werewolf friend would be great! I'll feed him and walk him."

"Yeah, but werewolves ain't class pets, Zoey. And they certainly ain't friendly." Her dad answered.

And right then Vanessa and Addison came walking in with Addison's parents. "I'm okay. And so is Vanessa. Right?" Vanessa nodded.

"Aunt Missy, Uncle Dale. The crash was horrible, but I protected Addison and Vanessa." Bucky started as he came up to them and put his arms around the girls, just to have Vanessa pushing it of. "Anyone as courageous as me would've done the same. Though not really, I am super brave." He finished.

"Missy, Dale, everything is fine." Vanessa tried to tell them, but Dale didn't agree.

"It's not fine. There are werewolves circling us right now, waiting to attack."

At that, Vanessa couldn't listen anymore, so she leaned in and whispered to Addison. "I'm going for a walk, text me what's happening." And by that she was out of there.


"Wyatt! Really, did you have to scare that wolf away? She was just trying to be nice!" Willa told her brother.

"No, she was trying to flirt with me!" He responded back.

"Why is that so bad? You could get yourself a girlfriend!" Wynter piped in.

This made Wyatt annoyed. "I don't want a girlfriend, love is ridiculous and girls are just stupid." He said looking at the to girls in front of him who gave him disapproving looks. "I said what I said." He finished.

"And why would he need a girlfriend when he has me?" Willy asked.

Willy was Wyatt's best friend and they were the two troublemakers in the pack. (Kinda like the Weasley twins). Willy wore similar clothes to Wyatt, just a little different colors and a half moon mark on his upper arm.

"Exactly" Wyatt pointed out before putting on his costume and walking out to check what was going on in the town. He wore a worker outfit, so no one would see that he was a werewolf.


Vanessa walked through zombie-town because there were so many colorful houses and not much noise.

Zombie-town was Vanessa's favorite place on earth, especially at night with all the cool lights shining on the streets.

She had changed out of her cheer outfit, and now she had on black ripped jeans, a dark blue hoodie and some black boots. She had the hood over her head due to the cold breeze.

Vanessa was walking to get some Fro-Yo, but stopped when she saw coach closing his booth while talking to this boy who looked like he was working with the demolition of Seabrook Power.

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now