What could go so wrong with a girl and a werewolf?

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The next day, Vanessa woke up after a bad fight with her dad. He had been really drunk, and used violence on his daughter.

That fight was the first time Vanessa had felt truly scared.

If she hadn't locked herself up in her room, her father could've killed her. He was blaming Vanessa for her mother's death, and had said that Vanessa should be with her mother.

As she got out of her bed she looked at the bruises and cuts on her arms. It was bad.

She put on some dark blue, baggy ripped jeans, a black crop top, the same boots as yesterday and a purple-ish jacket to cover up her arms.

She heard her dad walking around downstairs, so she grabbed her bag and jumped out the window, before making her way to school.

As Vanessa got to school, she walked down the almost empty hallway not paying much attention to were she was walking.

At the same time Wyatt was walking down the same hallway looking for Willy. The werewolves were going to the gym to watch cheer practice, but when they didn't know the school, the gym was hard to find. And somehow Wyatt lost Willy and was now searching for the gym and his best friend.

As Wyatt rounded a corner with his head down, he bumped into someone. He looked up to see Vanessa glaring up at him. "Hey! Watch your steps!" She told him.

"Where's the gym?" He asked, not wanting to deal with her at the moment.

"Why are you asking?" She asked back before realizing. "Ahh, you're gonna be at the cheer practice so you can drool over Addison? Sorry, but she has a boyfriend." Vanessa started to walk away, but Wyatt grabbed her arm.

"It's not that! Where's the..." He stopped mid sentence as Vanessa's jacket slipped upwards on her arm, revealing her cuts and bruises.

Wyatt had a confused look on his face. "What's this?" He asked the girl.

She pulled her arm away from his grip before looking down, replying. "Nothing."

He grabbed her arm again making her look up at him. "Vanessa, tell me. Where did you get those?"

Vanessa scanned his face. It looked like he actually cared, but she wasn't gonna take that risk.

"It's none of your business. Just, stay away from me." She ran away leaving Wyatt with a lot of questions.

Where did she get those bruises? Is she being abused? Is she okay? It was clear that Vanessa was not the perfect girl who gets everything she wanted, like he had thought.

He needed to know.

Vanessa ran into a zombie-safe room, thinking she got away from Wyatt, but right as she was going to close the door he came in.

She groaned as he walked into the room and closed the door. He came over to her. "Vanessa, what is happening?"

"Nothing! Nothing is happening! Everything is fine, okay?" Wyatt walked closer to her, and she backed away until she hit the wall behind her.

She couldn't do this anymore. She didn't like that he was standing so close to her. If felt like she was gonna have a panic attack.

Eventually she just gave up and sank down to the floor. She pulled her legs close to her, and buried her head in her knees.

She waited for Wyatt to leave, but suddenly she felt him sitting down beside her.

There was a lot of thoughts in her head at this moment, but the clearest one was that she was not going to let this wolf see her cry, so she tried her best to hold back the tears that was welling up in her eyes.

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now