Do it like the zombies do

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Vanessa was the only person in the school hallway. She was skipping class because... why not? And she had to do some changes to her locker.

Every now and then she would spray paint her locker in some darker colors than the bright pink and green which represented the school.

This time she went with black and dark blue to cover up the red and black from last year.

At some point during last year the teachers gave up on removing her art, because she would always put it up again. Now she is just making some change from the old colors.

She was almost done when she noticed two people walking up to her. More specific, two werewolves.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Wyatt spat as him and Willy came up to Vanessa.

"Shouldn't you be looking for your moonstone?" Vanessa asked back with the same tone.

Willy looked between the two before breaking the silence. "Okay... hehe, sorry about him. We were just wondering, uhh..." He started, trying to hide the fact that they wanted information on Addison and how to get her to help the wolves.

"We were wondering why you are painting your locker!" Wyatt helped his friend with an excuse.

Vanessa gave them a look for their weird behavior. "Well, because the school colors are boring, and I want my locker to represent me."

"Oh, okay. I'm Willy, by the way. And this is..."

"Wyatt?" Vanessa cut him of as she got a better look on the wolf in front of her.

Willy had a confused look on his face. "Wait, you guys know each other?"

"Umm..." Wyatt started.

A sarcastic smile found it's way up on Vanessa's face. "Yeah, you're the idiot Zoey and I met in zombie-town! Werewolves doesn't exist, huh? Great cover-up story."

Wyatt gave her a sarcastic smile back as Willy's brain worked hard to put the pieces together. But when it did, he almost shouted out. "Oh! So this is the girl you met?! The one with the attitude?"

Vanessa smiled and raised an eyebrow at Wyatt. "Talking about me to friends, are we?"

He looked away. "Dream on. It wasn't anything good."

The girl's smile didn't fade a bit. "I don't care if it was positive, I just think it's funny how you take time to talk about me. I haven't told anyone that I met you. Like, who would care?" She let out a little laugh before she saw Bucky walking up to them.

"Hey, Vanessa!" He had a goofy grin on his face and his arms were in the air.

Vanessa groaned as she put away her spray paint boxes.

"So I was thinking that you vote for me as president, I take you to the prawn, and we become the school's perfect couple." Bucky said with a confident smile.

"Or, I skip prawn as planned, you leave me alone, and everyone lives their happy ever after." The two wolves let out a silent laugh at her words and Bucky's disappointed face.

"Yo, Nessa!" Zed yelled as he came up to the lockers.

Before anyone could say more, Bucky exclaimed. "Ugh, what am I doing? Standing here talking to zombies AND werewolves! I'm out!" And with that he kept walking down the hallway.

Zed gave him a confused look before turning to his best friend. "Umm, okay. Hey, Nessa. Would you help me hand out my 'vote for Zed' flyers?" The hall was more crowded now, and the two werewolves were gone.

"Yeah, sure!" Vanessa answered.

As they were about to walk out into the school yard, Zed stopped. "Hey, what's up with your hair? I swear it did not have this many white stripes before summer."

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now