Go to prawn or not?

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The next morning Vanessa put on some ripped jeans, a black t-shirt and some cool boots. She looked at the marks on her arms from the fight with her father last night, and put on a red jacket to cover it up. (Picture at the top).

She hated that jacket, but she had little time and it was the only thing she found.

After grabbing some breakfast she walked to Addison's house.

She walked in screaming "I'm here!"

Addison's parents sat in the sofa, and being used to Vanessa not knocking anymore they just answered with a "hi" and then told her that Addison was in her room.

When Vanessa came into Addison's room the jacket was the first thing Addison noticed. "Hey, I thought you didn't like that jacket?"

"Yeah, didn't find anything else."

"Wanna borrow one?"

"Yes! Oh, thank god." Addison laughed at her best friend before going over to her closet, pulling out a purple, more baggy jacket.

"Thanks." While Vanessa changed jackets, Addison noticed the marks on her arm.

"Vanessa..." she looked up to see Addison staring at her arms with worry all over her face.

"I'm fine, it wasn't that bad, it's okay." Vanessa tried to tell her, but Addison could easily see when her best friend was lying.

"You sure we shouldn't tell anyone about this?" Addison asked concerned.

"Addie, I've told you, I don't want anyone to know. And I definitely don't want to live in one of these foster homes. We should go to school now."

Addison nodded, knowing it wouldn't help to talk more about it.

When they came to school they walked straight up to Zed, who looked happy to see them both.

"Hi girls!" He gave Addison a hug before turning to Vanessa starting their very complicated best friend handshake.

They walked in silence for a while until Addison spoke up. "I really thought we'd all be at the Prawn together. I thought Seabrook could change."

"It did." Zed cut in. "Believe me, I will find a way to get us to the Prawn."

"Or we could miss it together." Addison suggested with a flirty smile.

That was unacceptable to Zed. "I'm not letting you miss the Prawn."

"If you can't go, I'm not going." Addison stated.

"Maybe I won't get my movie night for myself after all." Vanessa mumbled to herself.

"Well, I like you too much not to let you go." Zed told his girlfriend.

"Well, I like you too much to leave you behind. I am so not going."

"Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple." Eliza said marking her presence.

"Oh, thank lord Eliza! I don't think I could've survived more of this 'I love you too much' argument." Vanessa sighed.

Addison let out a cute, little laugh. "How's it going, Eliza?"

"You know, fighting injustice is keeping me busy." She answered looking between her three friends.

"And looking good doing it, Zom-bae." Vanessa told her proud of the new nickname they had come up with. The two girls wiggled their fingers together while Bucky walked past the prawn wall of fame, eventually calling out to Addison.

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now