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Everyone ran out of the power plant cheering and laughing.

"Hey." Zed looked at Vanessa who was walking beside him.

The girl beamed at her zombie-friend. "We did it, we stopped the demo!"

Zed didn't answer, he just looked at the ground as if he was thinking about something. "What's wrong?" Vanessa asked.

"Vanessa." Zed said looking over at the werewolves. He then pulled out the moonstone necklace from his jacket.

Vanessa looked around before turning to the wolves, telling them the news. "He found it!" She gave the zombie a hug. "Thank you."

Even tho everything seemed like it was gonna be fine, Zed still didn't look happy. "What?" Vanessa asked.

"I took it." Zed admitted. "I stole it when you weren't looking."

A betrayed look formed on Vanessa's face. "I thought I lost it. I questioned myself."

"Vanessa I'm sorry. I was afraid that if you turned into a wolf, I'd lose you. You're like a sister to me." Zed tried to apologize.

"You don't get to make that choice for me!" The girl was clearly hurt by the fact that Zed would do something like this.

"But a werewolf?" Zed almost shouted.

"I finally find where I belong, and you try to steal that from me? Sorry Zed, but I thought you were better than that." Vanessa took the necklace and turned to the wolves, and then back at Zed.

"But you got what you wanted." She looked at the wolves again. Mostly Wyatt.

"I'm not the Great Alpha you're looking for." She walked over to Addison, handing her the necklace. "This is yours."

Addison just stood there, not understanding what was happening. She looked at her best friend who started walking away from the group.

The wolves, zombies and humans looked at each other confused as Wyatt ran to catch up with the girl.

"Vanessa! Hold up!"

"What?" Vanessa had a straight face when she turned to look at the wolf in front of her.

"Just please, let me explain." He begged.

Vanessa shook her head. "I don't need you to explain anything! I told you my biggest secret, and the first time we fight, you use that against me? I don't want to be the Alpha of a pack where I will have to see you everyday. Let Addison put on the necklace."

Wyatt just stood there, not knowing what to say or do. And after some seconds that felt like forever, Vanessa turned around again and ran home.

"She's not a werewolf." Wyatt looked at the group behind him when he heard Willy's voice. He saw that Addison had put the necklace on but nothing happened.

What Willy had said was true. Addison's not a werewolf.

"Oh my gosh, boss, boss! We got a problem!" A worker came running towards the Zed's dad.

"What?" He asked.

"The remote shorted out, and now the detonation timer's running." The worker told his boss frantically.

"Well, shut it of!" Zevon ordered.

"I can't."

"No, no!" Everyone started running towards the large building, before they saw the whole thing explode and fall to the ground.

"What have they done?" Willa asked.

All of the people there had horrified looks on their faces, and suddenly all the wolves started coughing and grabbing their now green necklaces.

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now