Gotta find where I belong

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"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice. Together, we can do anything." Addison started after blowing her whistle. She had just walked into the gym where the team was waiting for her. Except one.

"Wait, where's Vanessa?" The girl wondered out loud.

"I'm here." Vanessa informed as she threw away her bag and stood next to her bestie.

Addison looked confused by her outfit. "Where's your uniform?" "At home, I'm not wearing those bright colors." Vanessa told her.

After a little while of Addison wondering how it was possible too cheer in those boots, she turned back to the team.

"Okay! Vanessa will be running practice with me, because you guys said it yourself, the two of us make great leaders."

The team had horrified looks on their faces as Bree pointed behind the two girls. They turned too se some of the werewolves on the bleachers. Vanessa noticed Wyatt, Wynter and Willy, but couldn't see Willa.

"Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only." Addison told the wolves.

Wynter rose from her spot as she spoke up. "Ha! Just try and get us to leave." This made Wyatt stand up placing a hand at his pack mate's shoulder. "Wynter. Some respect."

Vanessa walked up beside Addison saying something the wolves didn't expect. "No, we don't want you to leave. We want you to stay. Show us what you can do." The werewolves looked at each other as Addison continued. "The cheer team is for everyone."

"Five, six, seven, eight!" Addison shouted starting their routine. The cheerleaders started before the wolves joined in with their own moves. They were dancing in pairs: Wynter and Bonzo, Willy and Bree, Addison and a wolf named Wilma, and Wyatt and Vanessa.

Vanessa laughed and nodded proud as Wyatt showed of his dance skills. They formed a group and brought their hands together, throwing them in the air, the wolves howling and the cheerleaders laughing.

Despite Vanessa not wearing proper cheer clothes, she was still the team's flyer so she let Wyatt and Willy lift her. They threw her in the air and she spun before landing in Wyatt's arms.

They held eye contact for a few seconds but broke it when the team started cheering and doing high fives.

Wyatt put the girl down, and right after engulfed her in a hug, smiling.

What they didn't know was that Zed and Eliza stood in the doorway to the gym, watching everything.

"Yeah. That scruffy, super handsome, fine-smelling Wyatt is really into Vanessa." Eliza started.

"You know what? They're just cheering. And laughing." Zed told her.

"That was so amazing! You are all natural cheerleaders." Addison pointed out to the wolves.

"But I'm sure she's just convincing the wolves to vote for me." Zed said, looking at Eliza who just nodded in disapproval.

Wyatt looked at Addison after letting go of Vanessa who now stood beside him. "We wolves work well together." "But I'm not a wolf." Addison answered confused. Instead of saying anything, Wyatt just shrugged his shoulders letting out a "hmm".

Vanessa was so caught up in what was happening, that she didn't notice the two stripes in her hair that changed from brown to white.

"I'm not threatened." Zed tried to convince himself before Eliza patted his shoulder, walking away.

Suddenly, Wynter started coughing and her necklace and eyes glowed a bright green.

A girl and a werewolf (Wyatt Lykensen) Where stories live. Discover now