I know she'll be safe with you

44 5 35

Scott's: POV


October 18th 2019: New York

"We have to get out of here." said Ben. "Why?" I asked. "A drug deal went wrong and the police are after us." he said. "I'll wake Esme." I replied. I was on my way upstairs, but Ben stopped me. "We have go now." he said.

"But I can't leave her." I replied. "Ash was right, this is not a place for kids. We can't take Esme with us, she'll attract too much attention." he said. "I have to say goodbye." I replied and went upstairs. I went into her room and woke her up.


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Esme rubbed her eye sleepy. "Sorry I woke you up, but I had to." I said. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I'm wanted for a crime." I said. "You're not evil." replied Esme. "I've done things that are illegal and the police have found out." I said. "Don't leave me." she sobbed. "I'm so sorry." I said. She hugged me and we cried.

 She hugged me and we cried

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(Esme, 8)

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(Esme, 8)


I drove to a run down house. I got out of the car and took Esme's hand in mine. I knocked on the door and waited. A man opened the door and looked at us.

"My name is Scott Owen and this is my daughter Esmeralda." I said. "I'm Adam Benson." he replied. "Can you take care of her? I know she'll be safe with you." I said. Esme looked at me and smiled shyly. "Of course." replied Adam. "I'm sorry honey, but it's for your own good. I don't want you get hurt." I said. "It's okay dad." replied Esme and I hugged her. "Thank you Adam." I said. "No problem." he replied. I said goodbye to them, before I drove away.

-End of the flashback-

Scott loved Esme more than Ben did

I hope you liked the chapter


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