Don't do this to me

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Adam's: POV


June 15th 1997: New York

"No mom, please don't do this to me." I said. "We need money." replied Olivia. "I'm only fifteen." I said. "Like I care." she replied. "Can I at least eat something?" I asked. "No." she said.

(Adam, 15)

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(Adam, 15)

I heard mom talking to a man and he gave her money. He came into my room and looked at me with a smirk on his face. He stopped in front of me. He lifted up my chin and looked into my eyes. I swallowed nervously. He laid my on the bed and began taking off his clothes. I closed my eyes.


I was sitting on the floor inside the shower and let the water washing away his dirt from my bruised body. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Why am I still alive? everyone hates me. I held the razor blade against my already scarred wrist. I took a deep breath and drag the blade quickly over my skin. The blood flowed out and the pain was horrible. I put a bandage around my wrist and washsd away the blood from the floor. I unlocked the door and went out.


"Adam." said Nikki. "Hey girl." I replied. "How's my favorite boy today?" she asked. "I'm fine." I lied. "Hey Addy." said Sasha. "Hey." I replied. "I love your jacket." she said. "Thanks, mom bought it for me." I lied again.

A student happened to walk into me

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A student happened to walk into me. "Did you just walk into me?" I asked. "I-I'm so s-sorry." he stuttered. "You heard him." said Nikki. "I should run if I was you." I replied. He ran quickly away. "Did you see his face?" asked Sasha laughing. "Yes." I said.

"Let's skip school." replied Nikki. "Hell yeah." said Sasha. "Let's go shopping." I replied. "I really need new clothes." said Nikki. I hugged my best friends. "I love you and Sasha so much." I replied. "We love you too honey." said Nikki. "We're always here for you." replied Sasha.

-End of the flashback-

I feel for Adam💔 Nikki and Sasha just pretended to be his friend.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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