I knew I'd never know that warm and loving glow

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Adam's: POV

-A week later-

I went to the bookstore to visit Oliver. I passed a room and heard his parents talking to him.

"You deserve better Oliver, Adam is nothing but a disgusting sex worker." said Tina. "He'll use you." replied Victor. "You're right." said Oliver. "Fine, I don't need you, you're just like everyone else." I replied hurt. "Adam, I..." he started. "Leave me alone." I said and ran out.

I ran to parking lot and broke down crying. I wish I could end everything, but I need to be strong for Esme. But I'm so tired of everyone's abuse, I can't take it anymore. Then I felt a kicking, I was pregnant again. I smiled and sobbed. I need to stay alive for my baby. "I love you so much Miracle, you saved my life." I said.


"Wake up Adam." said Scott. He was shaking me softly. I opened my eyes and looked confused at him. "Scott?" I asked. "Hey." he said.

"What are you doing in my living room?" I asked. "Well, I found you sleeping in the parking lot, so I drove you home." he explained. "Thank you Scott." I said and yawned. "You're my best friend, I don't let you down." he replied. "Excuse me." I said and ran to the bathroom. I opened the lid and throw up. I hate morning sickness so much. I brushed my teeth and took a deep breath before I went out again. Scott was worried, I told him everything.

"You don't need him." said Scott. "I thought I could trust him." I replied. "I'll take care of you and your baby." he said. "Thank you." I replied and he smiled. "I'll never let you down." said Scott.

Thank you Scott for taking care of Adam

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Thank you Scott for taking care of Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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