16) Cell Works

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A few days passed, and Wanda spent most of her time in a holding cell. She kept an eye on the calendar. Whoever Loki was working for would be showing up at the end of the month, aka eight days from now.

Loki's plan to get her to join his side had failed, but Wanda was sure he wasn't giving up so easily.

She wanted to see him in his cell. It wasn't a good idea, she knew that, but she just wanted to confirm that he was stuck inside and couldn't do anything.

Unfortunately, the most time she got out of the cell was when Natasha walked with her to the kitchen. Yeah, she had more privileges now.

Guards were always standing out of her cell, even if she couldn't see them, she knew. Wanda always figured that there were people watching the security cameras, so getting out wouldn't be easy.

But night fell eventually. Wanda only knew because she allowed to go out and get dinner. Looking out a window, she saw it was sunset. So she ate in the cell and waited a couple hours before figuring it was night.

She laid her head down on the firm pillow like she usually did when she decided to sleep. It wasn't any worse than a HYDRA room. She closed her eyes and in her mind, and focused on the cameras. She pictured them cutting out, turning black or losing signal.

She heard a small sparking noise and her eyes opened. The green light that original was on the camera, showing it to be on, had cut to black and a small smile crossed her lips.

She sat up again, glancing towards the one way mirror. Even though she couldn't see whoever was behind it, she could always throw a hex their way? No that was a bad idea. Random hexes that one couldn't properly make would always be a bad idea. She would just have to be quick about getting out of the cell.

Wanda turned her head to the door and quickly snapped her head to the right before popping it back up. Red magic appeared around the door handle, going inside of it and unlocking it, pushing the door open.

She immediately heard the cocking of guns and she got up and hurried out. There were two guards facing her, and she had magic in hand.

"Sleep." She ordered.

Red magic flew into their minds and both men's set their guns down and went to sleep right there on the floor. Wanda smirked to herself, then left the room.

She didn't know the exact way to cell, so she went inside a few random agents's minds to see if they knew. None of them noticed her, as she was hiding along the shadows and it was quite dark in the halls.

She got a decent direction of where to go so she flew up a few flights of stairs, very grateful for magic otherwise her legs would be killing her. She walked inside of the new floor and crept quietly through.

This was the floor that the Avengers were on, and it was the floor that Loki was on. Cameras cut off as Wanda entered their view, allowing her to pass through the rooms unseen.

She made it to the cell room and she took a deep breath. Then she entered, shoving the double doors open.

The five guards around the room immediately noticed her, and she spread out her hands, whirling red magic through the room.

It forced all of the guards against a wall, not harming them but keeping them still. It was the same hex she used on Natasha, only it was more widespread. The cameras cut off as well, and Loki sat up.

A small smirk grew on his face as Wanda approached him.

"Miss me already?" He asked.

"Why did you lie to me?" Wanda demanded. "Why did you try to help me only to turn around and get ready to hand me over to whoever you're working for?"

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