Chapter 5 | Limo

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'Jaxon, don't you dare.' Elliana warned him, as he approached my dresser. 'We already cleaned Sadie's mirror from lipstick three times today. Stop.'

Jaxon takes two steps back and lays back on my bed, while Elliana turns back to styling my hair.

'I don't get why you take so long to get ready.' He whines. Jax isn't dressed extravagantly for the occasion. He's wearing a plain beige T-shirt and dark brown cargo pants and a pair of Jordans. But yet, he makes the outfit look creative. He added a couple of chains on his neck and rings on his fingers, including the ring Elliana got him with her name engraved on it.

'Okay.. Done.' Elliana puts down the straightener. She kept my hair natural, only curling the ends a bit.

'I love it, Ellie, thanks.' I give her a hug and clap my hands together. 'Right, Jax, out of ten?' I ask, gesturing my outfit.

'Twenty, 'cause I picked it.' He says, grinning.

I indeed wore the outfit he picked out for me. To be perfectly honest, it's not bad. Jax has a good sense in fashion.

I chuck a hair clip at him, which narrowly misses him.

'Okay... Let's wait for our rides downstairs.' Jax gets out of the room while Elliana does one last check of my hair and makeup.

'Perfect.' She gives me one last hug before running down the stairs behind Jax. I follow closely behind, but I stop in front of Ezra's room.

'Go, have fun.' He's there. In front of his door looking as alive as ever.

'Stop.' I tell him. 'You're dead. You left me. Stop coming back.'

'Say?' Jax comes into view.

I take a deep breath. 'Don't ask.' 

'Wasn't planning on it.'  He gives me a look. 'Angelina bitch-'


'Sorry, Ellie, never again.' He yells back. He turns back to me.' Angelina is outside.'

I run down the stairs, where my parents are waiting for me. Mom gives me the look, as if to tell me 'Nice choice in clothes'.

Or it could mean 'That looks horrendous'. I could never know.

Meanwhile Dad is talking to Jax. 'You keep your phone on at all times. In case she calls.' 

'Yes, sir.'

'If she tells you to leave-'

'We leave. I know.'

'If something happens-'

'We call you. I'm aware.'

Dad looks at me. 'He's good.' 

'Yeah, he is. I gotta get going. Love ya all.' 

'Ha! You love me.'

'Except Jax. All of you, except Jaxon.' I rephrase my sentence. 'Bye!'

I go out to see a white limo parked on the street in front of my house. Passersby were sparing second glances at it. Kids were nudging their parents and whispering.

That's definitely Angelina.

'Hey, girl.' Angelina says the second I step into the car. The first that I realize is that the three of them are matching.

Angelina, the puppet master, is wearing a strapless leather dress. I can confidently say that I would never ever, ever, wear something as bold as that. Nisha and Nellie, the puppets, are wearing leather skirts with leather jackets. Both of the wearing a white shirt with Lucas's name woven on the front.

'Nice... leather.' I say, slowly.

'Eee! You noticed our matching outfits?' Angelina squeals.

 'We wanted to tell you, but we didn't think you'd be comfy with leather.' Nisha adds.

'I most definitely wouldn't have.' I agree.

The driver takes off. I look around. We are seated in a wide area with a candy aisle on one side and a mini fridge on the other.

'So... Nice outfit.' Nellie says, gesturing my dress. 'Kinda looks like something you would wear at home.' She says, pointing at my plaid jacket.


The ride was awkward. Angelina redid her lipstick twelve times, her mascara twice and her blush three times.

Once we reach the Hollywood Bowl, Angelina steps out first, looks around, fixes her dress, then tells us to come out. 

The place is packed. People are everywhere. Angelina walks away from the entrance and towards the side of the building.

'Uh, Angelina, where are we going?' I ask. 'The entrance is back there.'

'My dad is the mayor.' She states simply.


We reach a door with two guards on either side. Angelina hands them our tickets and they let us in.

The arena is huge. There has to be at least 6000 seats here. Our seats? The row right in front of the stage. 


Once we are seated, Angelina turns to me. 'So? How's your schoolwork going?' 

I raise my eyebrows. 'Uh... great. Why?'

'Well, we came up with something.' Nellie says.

'You can be a part of our group-'

'We can give you popularity-'


'Beauty tips-' 

'How to dress properly-'

'If you give us your schoolwork.'

I choke on my soda that I got from the limo. 'I'm sorry, what?'

'You give us your homework.' Angelina says. 'Nellie and Nisha can write mine by copying yours.'

'I-I can't... I'm, uh, sorry, but no.'

Angelina's getting mad. 'You could be a part of us.'

'What if I don't want that?'

They say nothing after that. They just get up, glare at me, and walk away. Angelina flips me off before leading her puppets to the door which leads to the VIP lounge.


The real reason they invited me, was to use me. How come I didn't see that? Now, like the loser I am, I'm going to watch Lucas Edwards show with three empty seats beside me. I watch as the arena slowly fills up with people, coming in with their family and friends, laughing, excited to see their idol perform on stage.

My eyes slowing fill with tears. I was stupid. I should've listened to Jax. Angelina is nothing but a bitch.

Jax: How's it going? You seated?

Me: yep

Me: all good:)

Looks like the bitch is me. 


A U T H O R S N O T E 

Sorry for the wait.

Hope you like that.

Till next time loves


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