Chapter 18 | Ornaments

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'Not there, Jax.' His mother groans for the millionth time.

Jaxon removes the ornament from the tree and hands it over to me, muttering something on the lines of 'It's just a Christmas tree, it doesn't have to be perfect.' which resulted him into getting a slap on his head from his mother.
Christmas has always been the same in our house, we decorate the tree at Jaxon's house first, then we all move to our house to decorate ours. This year, we decorated our tree very late, three days before Christmas eve, because my parents where out on a business trip with Jaxon's parents as well.
Charlotte and Evan Williams work for the same law firm as my parents. That's part of the reason our families are so close.

'Mary! We need another box of ornaments.' Charlotte calls.

Mom pokes her head into the living room, raising her eyebrows. 'More? We don't have ANY more. Jax and Sadie broke half of them remember?' She says, glaring at us.

'Hey! In my defence, Jax started throwing them at me first!'

'No, I didn't! You started it-'

'Not again.' Evan groans from his place on the couch. 'That's the fifth argument you two had in the last hour.'

'How about you both drop into the town and grab a couple boxes of ornaments?' My dad suggests.

'Great idea. Off you go.'

'I WANNA COME TOO, WAIT FOR ME!.' Joanna yells, thumping down the stairs.

'No, Anna, we need your help in baking the cookies.' Charlotte interferes, before practically kicking us out of my house.

'Lovely.' I say, sarcastically.

'You're paying. I'm broke.' Jaxon retorted.

'What! Why me?'

'Lucas pays for half of your stuff, so you have saved a lot of money.'

I groan. 'Fine.'


After finding the ornament aisle, and arguing multiple times, we finally decide on the perfect ornaments and load them into the car. We sit in absolute silence for a couple seconds before Jax breaks it.

'Hey, Say. Um... Elliana broke up with me.'

I choke on my water. 'What?!'


'But, but, why? I thought you two were hopelessly in love.'

'I- She-'

'It's because of me, isn't it?'

He hesitates before nodding slightly. 'Not just that, I guess I just don't like her anymore.'

'Don't like her anymore?!' I say, incredulously. 'You love her!'

'Definitely not after she said all those horrible stuff about you.'

'What did she say?'

'Don't worry about it, Say. She was treating me like shit these past couple months. Ignoring me, ghosting me, and if she has to talk to me, she'd talk so rudely, and I- I just couldn't put up with it.'


'Sadie, after I left the soccer team, she started becoming distant. I think it's because she wanted a classic soccer player and cheerleader relationship.'

I shake my head, looking away. Jaxon grabs my hand. 'Trust me, I'm happier this way. Anyway, I know there are like a bunch of girls that are so happy I'm single now. I'm sure you know, I've got girls lined up, wanting to date me.' He says grinning. 'I know you think it's your fault, but it's not. I will always pick you over anyone. You're my best friend, and I won't change that for anything.'

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