Chapter 21 | Sick

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'The monster's gone, he's on the run, and Sadie's here.' I sing to a sleeping Lexi in my lap. 'Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl.'

She looks even more peaceful when she's asleep.

I remove a strand of blonde hair off her face, and put her back in bed.

'Princess?' A voice from behind me mutters quietly.

I quickly turn around to see an ill-looking Lucas. I walk towards him. 'Everything okay?'

He shakes his head and drops his face to my shoulder. 'I feel so bad.'

'You have the flu, Luca, you most definitely wouldn't feel good.'

Yesterday, Lucas called to tell me that he, his mother and Lexi all caught some sort of virus. So I decided to spend the day helping Maria out, because she can't handle three sick people.

'You can leave, you don't have to stay. You'll get infected as well.'

'I don't care. I can't leave. I won't leave.'

He smiles his usual smile and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Stop. I can't be falling for Lucas Edwards.

But his smile turns to a grimace. I lead him out of the room and back to his room. Once he's back under the covers, I tilt my head up at him. 'You're so whiny when you're sick.' I smile. 'It's cute.'

My eyes widen when I realise what I said, so I try to cover it up. 'Tea, coffee, juice? What would you like?'

He just smirks. 'You think I'm cute?'

'I think the best is tea, since you're sick, it'll-'

'I was hoping you think I'm hot, attractive, but cute works, I guess.'

'Tea'll warm you up. I'm making you tea.' I say quickly then run out the room.

I hear him chuckle.


'How are you feeling, Camilla?' I ask, walking in her room with a tray of food.

She looks up from her magazine and smiles tiredly. 'Better, thanks, Sadie. Why are you still here? You'll get sick as well.' Taking the tray from me.

'I don't mind. Maria can't take care of three sick people. And Mr. Edward's isn't in America, so you need the extra hand.'

'Qué voy a hacer sin ti?'

I raise my eyebrows.

'What will I do without you?' She repeats.

I wave a lazy hand. 'Nonsense.'

I obviously can't tell her I'm falling in love with her son, and that he's one of my favourite people. I can't tell her how happy I feel around him, and how I love hanging out with him, and I dream about him almost every night. I can't tell her that. I can't tell her that when I'm around Lucas I feel so safe and fuzzy and all that emotional shit.

I've never been in love. Ever. I don't know if what I'm feeling is normal, or if it actually is love.

'Sadie?' A small voice says. I turn around to see Lexi, in small unicorn pajamas and hugging a small white bear. She sniffles. 'Can I have chocolate cake?'

I smile. 'Of course! Let's go.'


I stay late at the Edwards, and leave at around 11 pm. Lucas sends me home with Travis, who I've grown quite close with.

'Do you have kids?' I ask, slurping a milkshake that Lucas bought for me.

'Yes. A boy, Dylan and a girl coming soon. We are here, Miss.'

He takes his seat belt off and gets out to open the door for me.

'Thanks, Travis. See you!'

I walk towards the door, with a slight skip in my step. I always feel like this after I'm with Lucas. I open the door and step in.

'What the fudge are you doing here?' I ask.

'Who me?' Jaxon asks, from his position on the couch. 'It's movie night.'

'Oh, right! What movies tonight?'


I give him a look.

'You're right, we'll end up crying.'

'I'll end up crying, you never finish a movie all the way, you sleep half way through it. Then I'm forced to explain what happened to you when you wake up.'

'How about Frozen? It's been a while since we watched it.'

'Alright. Frozen it is.'

'Jaxon, did Sadie come back or- Sadie!' Mum comes into view, wearing an apron dusted in flour, her hands sticky with batter. I give her a hug and get a whiff of cookies.


'Yep. Where were you? Library?'

I freeze. I haven't told Mum about Lucas yet.

'She was at a boy's house.' Jax says, walking towards us. He gives me a look which says 'let me handle it'.

'A boy?'

'They are just friends.' Jax saves me. 'They obviously have a thing for each other, though.'

'We do not have a thing for each other!' I exclaim incredulously.

'Oh! Sadie! Finally! I've been waiting for this moment since forever. My baby's all grown up!' She pulls me into a hug. 'Forget movie night. We are having a gossip night. Tell me all about him.'

'No! I mean-'

'Great idea, Mary. Go get the cookies while we get ready.' Jaxon grabs me by the arm and leads me upstairs to my room.

'What is wrong with you?!' I whisper-yell.

Once we are in the safety of my room, he turns to me. 'You weren't expecting to keep it from her any longer, right? Yesterday, you were telling me how you keep nothing from your mother.'

I sigh. He's right, I tell Mum everything. I can't keep this from her.

'Look. Let's go easy. Let's not tell her the whole truth, but not tell her lies either.'


'We'll tell her you met at Lucas Edwards's concert. True. You spent the night together. True. He wanted to see you again. True. You kept hanging out and texting until now. Also true. We're telling the truth.'

'What about his name?'

'Use his middle name only for now. When you're ready, you'll tell her his real name.'

'Fine. I'm just not ready to tell her about that night. She hates Angelina, and if I tell her what she did, she'll just feel guilty. You know Mum.'

'I know Sadie, and I don't blame you.' He sighs. 'I can't believe in two months, we'll be seniors, time's passing way too quickly.'

I slump on my bed, looking at the hand painted flowers on the ceiling. 'Yeah. Jax, I-I want to tell you something.'

Jax looks up, his eyes concerned. He comes over and lays down beside me. 'You okay?'

'I-I'm seeing him. Ezra. Everywhere.'

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