*Eight Months Later*
L U C A SThe early morning light tumbles out of the window, illuminating the once dark room. The rays of warm sunlight hit Sadie's face, making her glow. She's a sun, with her tanned skin and bright eyes, her silky hair and radiant smile. My sun.
'You're staring.' She mumbles, blinking her eyes open, adjusting to the bright light. Her eyes meet mine and she sends me a sleepy smile before letting her eyelids drop again.
'You're beautiful.' I say, my hands itching to touch her. 'Can I touch you, princess?'
She hums, her eyes still closed. I let my hand touch her face, trace the outline of her jaw, the swoop of her collarbone, the curve of her lips. She looks like a dream.
The morning goes by with lots of laughter. Sadie found this new trick of going down the stairs by sliding down the banister, and it drives me nuts that I can't do it. We step into the kitchen, Sadie goes about making the coffee, while I fix us some sandwiches for breakfast. The kitchen is large but we find ways to keep touching, I might hug her from behind while she's adding creamer to her coffe, or she might lean her head towards me to place a kiss on my cheek.
I mostly try not to think about tonight.
I drop her off to college, and head over to the studio, where I finish some last minute edits before the release of my sophomore album. I'm relying on Matheo for most of my managing, but he's not here today, so I have to take matters onto my own hands. I reply to a few emails, answer a couple messages. But my head is elsewhere, and I can't focus.
I get a call from Matheo at around noon. 'You okay?' He asks.
I shake my head. 'I'm panicking. I need a beer.'
'Not a great idea.' He says.
'I know.'
I pick up Sadie from college after class and head back to our apartment. Of course, my nerves don't go unseen by Sadie.
'You seem off, love, are you okay?' She asks, tilting her head to look at me.
I smile at her, hooking my arm around her waist and pulling her closer. She looks up at me through her lashes and I groan. She frowns.
'You make me go mad.' I say, groaning again. 'Please, can I?'
I see concern flash through her eyes before she smothers it with a smile and nods. I don't waste a second in bringing our lips together, warm and wet and so very right.
'I have a surprise.' I say, pulling away. 'Tonight. We're going out.'
I look up just as she walks down the stairs.
'Oh.' I say, a little breathless. She's wearing a short flowy dress in pink, her natural hair cascading in waves down her back. She gives me a little twirl once she reaches me, smiling.
'So?' She asks, looking a little hesitant. I don't wait a second before grabbing her into my arms and twirling her around. A breathless laugh is punched out of her, which morphs into a belly laugh when I pepper her face with kisses.
'You look like a dream.' I tell her, placing her back down. 'I'm so glad you came to that show.'
She grins brightly.
The drive to the beach is quiet. Comfortable quiet. Sadie hums alongside the music, occasionally glancing at me to send me a cheeky smile. She reaches for my hands and intertwines our fingers together over her thigh. I try to ignore the feel of her bare skin underneath the tips of my fingers.

Found her
Romansa"After all this time, I finally found her. " She never thought she'd fall in love again after losing everything. He'd thought lost her, until he found her again. Hearts are reunited, love is strengthened, and two destined souls meet again. ...