Ch.2 unknown smurf

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*after returning from the waterfall outside the village handy works on the hole that clumsy and dimwitty made*

handy: *fixes hole*

clumsy: "oh thank you handy *

handy: "no problem clumsy anything for a friend" *sighs* *smile fades*

clumsy: "Hey handy are you ok?"

handy: "Oh um what?" *looks at clumsy while working on the hole*

clumsy: "well you've been acting...umm different lately"

handy: "Uh what are you tal-" *hammer hits thumb*

clumsy: "oh geez handy are you ok???"

handy: "Yep yep im fine" *sigh*

clumsy: "Somethings up, you know you can tell me"

handy: "that's kind of you clumsy but i'm ok"

clumsy: "If you say so..well ima go I forgot i'm gonna go meet up with smurfstorm she's gonna help me with stuff, I'll see ya around bye handy*

handy: "bye clumsy"

*clumsy heads off and goes to find smurfstorm*

handy: "Alright" "whelp I finished the hole, i guess i'll just head back to the workshop"

*while handy heads to his workshop he bumps into hefty*

hefty: "Oh hey handy, you finished the hole that clumsy and dimwitty made?"

handy: "Yea i finished"

hefty: "well i was just heading to go get some dinner wanna come with me?"

handy: "I am hungry after working with the hole so sure"

*hefty and handy head to go get dinner  and they both get their dinner"

hefty: "lets go sit down and eat"

*hefty and handy go find a table to eat and they see smurfette, brainy, smurfblossom, smurflily eating aswell on a table*

*smurfette spots hefty and handy*

smurfette: "Hi hefty and handy" *waves*

hefty: "hey smurfette" *smiles"

handy: "hey"

smurfette: "come sit with us"

*hefty and handy sit down on the table with their dinner*

brainy: "have any of you guys seen smurfstorm and clumsy? they should've been here eating with us"

handy: "I was with clumsy awhile ago and he said he was gonna go with smurfstorm to do some stuff"

smurfblossom: "haha they're probably kissing"

smurflily: "oh blossom"

smurfette: *giggles*

heftys head: she has such a cute giggle *smiles and blushes slightly*

*handy notices hefty blushing a bit and then he elbows hefty*

handy: *whispers* "hey why are you blushing"

hefty: "huh uh oh uh"

handy :*whispers* "is it because of smurfette?"

hefty:*whispers* "yea...."

handy:*whispers* "have you told her how you've felt towards her?"

hefty: *whispers* "not yet, I don't even know if she even likes me-"

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