ch.5 Surprise

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*after handy finishes working on Smurfsouls shroomhouse he goes to tell hefty and asks him for help to tell her he's done with her house*

Handy: "phew, I'm done I hope she ends up liking it, it took me all night! Do you think she'll like it..?"

hefty: "Of course she will dude, it looks cool I can guarantee she'll love it"

Handy: "I sure hope so, well let's look for her"

Hefty: "Alright, she's probably with smurfette since she slept over at her shroom"

*while going to smurfettes shroom hefty and handy run into papa*

Papa smurf: "Arent you guys supposed to be doing chores??"

Hefty: "Oh hi papa, sorry we were just heading to Smurfsoul"

Handy: "Yea, I finshed her shroom and I wanna show her" *smiles

Papa smurf: *sigh* Alright you may go show her but after that you guys do your chores like I asked you guys to do yesterday.

Hefty and handy: "Yes papa"

Papa smurf: "Now run along and go find her"

*Handy and hefty continue to go to smurfettes shroom*

*With smurfette and smurfsoul and the girls*

smurfette: *yawns* "goodmorning girls"

Smurfsoul, Smurfblossom, and smurflily: "goodmorning"

Smurfstorm: *snores*

Smurfsoul: *giggles* "Smurfstorm, wake up its time to get up!"

Smurfstorm: "Ugh five more minutes"

Smurfette: "Clumsy is waiting for you outside" *giggles*

Smurfstorm: "WHAT?" *gets up*

Smurfette: "Just kidding"

Smurfblossom: "HAHAHA she gotchu good smurfstorm"

Smurfstorm: "whatever"

*With clumsy and brainy*

Clumsy: "How will I tell her"

Brainy: "Just do as we practiced clumsy"

Clumsy: "I knowww but its hardd"

Brainy: *brainy sighs as he turns to see hefty and handy*

Brainy: "Hey hefty and handy"

Hefty: *turns to see braing and clumsy* "Oh hey bro, what are ya'll doing?"

brainy: "Well clumsy is practicing on how he'll ask out smurfstorm"

Hefty: "Ohhh, well you guys should come with us since we're heading to smurfettes shroom since handy wants to show smurfsoul her shroom and also i'm pretty sure smurfstrom is there aswell

Handy: "Yea they had a sleepover"

brainy: "Right, smurfblossom is there aswell she told me when she was packing her stuff that she was going to smurfettes shroom"

Clumsy: "Oh gosh maybe I'll ask her another time" *nervous*

Brainy: "Oh cmon clumsy this is a perfect time you can ask her out" 

Handy: "Alright let's go guys"

*They all head to smurfettes house and once they get there hefty knocks on smurfettes door*

Smurfette: "I'll get it! Coming"

*smurfette opens the doors and see's its the boys*

Hefty: "Hey smurfette" *smiles

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