ch.13 Ambush

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*while everyone starts waking up handy gets prepared before anyone else does*

Papa: "everyone get ready and prepare yourselfs, we're gonna go get our smurfs back"

handy: "Do you have a plan papa on how we're gonna get them back?"

Papa: "Not quiet but since we have your inventions I think we'll just ambush gargamel when he isn't looking"

*Handy nods and looks at his friends who are using some of his inventions he's made*

Hefty: "hey we'll get them back, and smurfsoul too"

*Handy smiles and nods*

Smurfette: "What are we waiting for, lets go bring back our other friends!" *says proudly*

*They all head to gargamels lair*

*With gargamel and the other smurfs that got caught trapped*

Gargamel: "MUAHAHHAHA Now that I got all the smurfs!!!"

Azrael: Meow meoww!!"

Gargamel: "Well half of the smurfs, Oh it doesnt matter at least we got half of them its still something!!!"

Smurfsoul: "Our friends will come and save us just wait you-"

*Before she could finish gargamel cuts her off*

Gargamel: "Are you sure about that??"

Smurfsoul: "I-..." *gets flashback of what Handy said to her and looks down*

Gargamel: "Thats what I thought"

*Back with the others*

Brainy: "Guys we're here"

*they all come out of the bushes and head towards Gargamels lair and some smurfs go to the window and others enter at from the cats entrance*

*Handy and his friends all enter from the cat door and hide behind books that are stacked*

Gargamel: "I will have so much power once I get all the essence out of all you smurfsss, starting with you!!!" *grabs smurfsoul from the cage and laughs*

smurfsoul: "LET GO OF ME!!!"  *tries to break free*

*Handy and the others gasp*

Handy: "No..." *handy starts walking towards gargamel but gets pulled by brainy and hefty*

Hefty: "Wait bro, we can't just attack yet it'll backfire our plan" *hefty points at azrael and monty*

Handy: "Right-"

*gargamel then throws smurfsoul in the pot where the essence gets pulled from the smurfs*

smurfsoul: "AHHHH" *The essence from smurfsoul gets pulled from her and she starts turning gray slowly*

Gargamel: "MAHAHAHH who's next??" *turns to the smurfs in the cages*

*All the smurfs and smurfettes in the cages all start panicking*

* papa smurf then yells: "NOW"*

*The rest of the smurfs appear and attack gargamel, azrael and monty*

*handy, hefty and smurfette use the jetpacks and fly up the the table where the other smurfs are and they try to unlock the cages*

*smurfstorm and clumsy are riding the plane up towards the cages that are dangling*


*clumsy jumps on one of the cages and tries to unlock it*


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