ch.3 rescue mission

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*Papa smurf and smurf willow stand infront of the entrance when the other smurfs come*

handy: "we made it back.." *catches breathe*

hefty: "yea" *catches breathe aswell

*everyone also catches their breathe

papa smurf: "Where were you guys???"

smurfstorm: "We were just smurfboarding as usual"

brainy: "Then smurfette lost her balance and fell and we went to go see if she was ok"

smurfblossom: "Then we saw she was standing with another smurf and she was talking to this smurf!"

handy: "Then monty came and attacked!!!"

smurfette: "Then they took the unkown smurf!!"

smurfwillow: "Woah woah, everyone calm down and unknown smurf???"

papa smurf: "monty took a smurf???"

hefty: "Yea but we dont know who the smurf was, we couldnt see their face they had a hood on"

smurfette: Papa we need to get them back, they're in trouble, who knows what gargamel will do to them"

papa smuf: "Smurfette we can't do that, it could be a trap maybe just to lure us in"

handy: "thats what I said"

smurfette: "But pap-"

papa smurf: "Not another word, and no one will go outside the village until its safe!" *raises voice*

*everyone says yes except smurfette*

Smurf willow: "Smurfette?"

smurfette: "yes papa and willow" *walks away to her mushroom disapppointed*

papa smurf: *sighs*

Hefty: *notices she's disappointed* "I'll go talk to her"

papa smurf: "Thank you hefty"

*In smurfettes mushroom*

smurfette: "I can't let this slide, I need to help that smurf" *gets an idea* *starts packing quickly*

hefty: *knocks on smurfettes door* "Smurfette I wanna talk about what happened and about the smurf"

smurfettes head: "shoot uhh..." *looks at window*

hefty: "I also wanted to talk about something else to"

*smurfette doesnt respond"

hefty; "Smurfette??"

*hefty opens door and sees smurfette isnt there and see that her place is a mess and the window is open*

hefty: "Oh no..."

*hefty then runs to the group*


handy: "Hefty calm down, what happened???"

hefty: "Smurfette isnt in her mushroom and I think she left to go rescue the unknown smurf!!"

brainy: "WHAT???"

smurfblossom: "Oh no, we have to go after her!!"

handy: "Shes right, cmon hefty, dont worry as long as we get to her quickly she'll be ok but lets not waste time and lets go get her"

hefty: *nods*

*they all went to go to go get smurfette*

clumsy: "I got a bad feeling about this guys!!"

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