Ch.15 Confession (final)

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*the next day*

Hefty: "Come on bro Just tell her already" *lifts weights*

Handy: "Ha it's easy for you to say hefty, you already got with smurfette" *sigh*

Hefty: *gets an idea* "Hey how about we go ask smurfette and smurfsoul if they wanna go smurfboarding , then you could tell her how you feel!" *drops weights*

Handy: "Thats a great idea, wait but how will I tell her if we're gonna be smurfboarding??" *raises eyebrow*

Hefty: "Oh right. Well um you can just tell her after we smurfboard and plus You could teach her how to smurfboard since she probably doesn't know how to"

Handy: "hefty, I only smurfboard once and it didn't go well"

Hefty: "Oh come on, it'll be fun and plus it'll give you time to spend time with her before you tell her yk"

Handy: "Well alright if you say so"

Hefty: "yesss!! alright cmon lets go tell them"

*handy and hefty both go searching for the girls to tell them if they wanna go smurfboarding*

Hefty: "they're over there!"

*handy and hefty both go towards them*

Hefty: "Hey love" *goes towards smurfette and kisses her cheek*

Smurfette: "Oh hey hefty!" *blushes and holds his hand*

Handy: "hey yall!" *looks at smurfsoul and smiles awkwardly*

Smurfsoul: "Hey" *smiles*

Smurfete: "Hi handy!"

Hefty: "So we just wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to come smurfboarding with us!"

Smurfette: "smurfboarding!! Yes yess!!"

Hefty: "ALRIGHT LETS GO" *he grabs smurfettes hand and they both go walking*

Smurfsoul: "smurfboarding..??" *confused*

Smurfette: *stops walking and turns to smurfsoul* "Oh right, you never smurfboard before, um well"

Hefty: "handy can teach you!" *smirks at smurfette and gives her a wink*

Smurfette: "Oh yea handy can teach you!" *winks back at hefty*

Smurfsoul: "Oh um ok!" *turns to handy and smiles*

Handy: *smiles back but gets nervous*

*they all start heading towards the tree they usually smurfboard on and climb up the tree*

Smurfsoul: "Um is this even safe??"  *worried voice*

Hefty: "Yea, we always smurfboard on this tree, alright i'll go first" *turns to smurfette and winks*

*hefty goes down and smurfboards down the tree and does a handstand on his smurfboard and lands*

Smurfsoul: "Woww!! *claps*

Smurfette: "amazing hefty!!" *claps* "My turn!"

*smurfette goes smurfboarding down towards hefty but then loses her balance*

Smurfette: "AHHHH" *covers eyes while falling*

Hefty: *gasp* "I GOT YOU SMURFETTE!" *catches smurfette* "You ok smurfette??" *worried voice*

Smurfette: "oh hefty you saved me! and yes i'm fine thanks to you" *kisses his cheek*

*hefty then places smurfette on the floor*

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