Ch.10 Problem

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Smurfsoul: "jeez i'm really sorry I should've looked where I was running"

???????: "Its ok don't worry about it!"

Smurfsoul:"i've never seen you before whats your name?"

????????: "Oh my name is Vanity

Smurfsoul: "Vanity oh.." *sees flower on his hat*
"I love your flower it looks pretty!"

Vanity: "why thank you dear!" *looks at himself in the mirror*

Smurfsoul: "Well i'm sorry about bumping into you I Better get going! byee!"

Vanity: "Oh don't worry about it! and byee!"

*smurfsoul makes it to her shroom and closes door*

smurfsoul: *gets flashback*



Smurfsoul: "Huh..handy?"

*gets pushed*

Smurfsoul: "ouch.." *looks up at handy*

Handy: "Get away from her!!!"

Smurfsoul: "Handy i didnt mean to-"

Handy: "I DONT CARE JUST GO AWAY" *echo*

(end of flashback)

*smurfsoul sits behind door and starts to cry*

Smurfsoul: *sighs and sniffs* "what do I do now.."

*back with handy and marina*

Handy: "haha yeaa, Oh shoot, I better get going I need to finish the stage!"

Marina: "oh ok bye!!"

Handy: "Bye marina!!"

*handy heads back to the village but he's still upset about what smurfsoul did"

*the lunch bell rings *

*smurfsoul hears the lunch bell and decides to go get her lunch*

*handy and the others head to go get their lunch aswell and they all sit in one table*

Smurfette: *looks around to see if smurfsoul is around*

*smurfsoul sees all of her friends in one table and sees handy aswell*

Smurfsoul: "I really should go an apologize to handy about what happened" *says to herself*

*smurfsoul heads to the table and stands next to handy*

Smurfsoul: "Hey handy I just wanted to apologize abo-"

Handy: "Save it, I don't wanna hear it"

*everyone stops eating their lunchs and are confused on whats going on with handy and smurfsoul*

Smurfsoul: "Please I didnt mean t-"

Handy: "Gosh you're so annoying I told you to save it" *raises voice*

*Hefty and smurfette are both surprised that handy raised his voice on smurfsoul*

Smurfsoul: *sad* "Please listen handy it wasn-"

Handy: "I DONT CARE! gosh, all you do is just cause problems" *angry*

Smurfette: *shocked and puts hands on mouth*

*hefty and the others get shocked aswell from what handy said*

Smurfsoul: "wha-..." *shocked*

handy: "I wish we never saved you from gargamel in the first place"

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